AHEAD – Awareness Campaign – Event 6 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

During the AHEAD Awareness campaign #BRAVO held one local activity in the hotel premises in Sarajevo, where we gathered our international and national volunteers not only #BRAVO volunteers but other local partners as well. International students in BiH, living in Sarajevo and other volunteers were participants in the workshop held 16.11.2022. in Sarajevo.

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AHEAD – Awareness Campaign – Event 5 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project #AHEAD promotes non – discrimination between the youngsters and aims to combat all forms intolerance and discrimination against Roma community and other Ethnic minorities. During the AHEAD Awareness campaign #BRAVO held 4th local activity in Richmond Park School College, with High School students in Sarajevo. We organized workshop where 20 students in this group participated.

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AHEAD – Awareness Campaign – Event 4 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

On the 15th of November #BRAVO held 3rd workshop in Richmond Park School College, with High School students in Sarajevo as part of the Awareness campaign of the project #AHEAD. Introduction part was about presenting project’s objectives, goals and information about fighting the hate speech towards ethnic minorities, migrants, Roma community and other vulnerable groups.

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AHEAD – Awareness Campaign – Event 3 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

On the 15th of November #BRAVO held four workshops in Richmond Park School College, with High School students in Sarajevo, talking, discussing about the topic of the project AHEAD. As part of the Awareness campaign, we have successfully held a second workshop with the students of 3rd grade and 15 students were able to express their own point of views as well as to be informed about hate speech towards migrants, Roma community and other vulnerable groups.

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AHEAD – Awareness Campaign – Event 1 – Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Activities 1  Date: 12-16.09.2022 Location: Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina The activity was carried out in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canton of Tuzla. The activity was divided into three meetings, the focus of which were three different groups. The first group were stakeholders who work directly on the problem of Roma in the communities, how and in

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