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Projects will support active citizenship and political participation of youth in partner countries, coming from 3 different European regions. As well as, the project will foster the development of social and intercultural competencies, critical thinking, and soft and transversal skills. The focus will be on raising awareness of and understanding the European Union context, European identity, and the importance of active participation in decision-making processes at the local level, especially among youngsters.

To strengthen the connection between democracy and active citizenship and active participation in the decision-making process at the local level, and recognizing that each is mutually dependent on the other, is the most important result of this project. We will achieve it through the enhancement of democratic governance and the rule of law by fostering a culture of active citizenship, promoting civic education, and empowering individuals with knowledge about their rights and responsibilities as citizens. We hope this project will help improve the quality and accessibility of NFE in partner countries by collaborating with youth organizations, educational institutions, and decision-making bodies, and help bridge the gap in the existing system.

Research indicates that participation in different forms may be on the increase, for example, pressure groups, civic initiatives, consultative organs, and so on. These forms of participation are just as important to the effective functioning of democracy as voter turnout at elections, if not more so. In Europe as well, even in the more traditional democracies, "people power" appears to have found a new lease of life: students have protested in many countries against moves by governments to impose fees on education. Trade unions have brought people onto the streets to protest about the impact of economic cuts.
Testimonials: Training Course “Youth4Values” in Athens, Greece

Testimonials: Training Course “Youth4Values” in Athens, Greece

“This exchange did not only offer the educational aspect, it was also a cultural exchange and networking opportunity. I met a lot of like-minded young people passionate about making positive change and shaping the future of Europe. I also got to know their cultures and learned more about their countries.”

Overview on Training Course “Youth4Values” in Athens, Greece

Overview on Training Course “Youth4Values” in Athens, Greece

From February 2nd to 9th, 2025, a very special training course took place in Athens, Greece. This TC was held as part of our very own Youth4Values project, bringing together five participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina along with others from Spain, Greece, and Montenegro to learn and collaborate on the project’s topics.

Selection Results for TC “Youth4Values”

Selection Results for TC “Youth4Values”

The Training Course will have an academic and scientific approach to the education of participants, with the primary goal of research, analysis, and discussion of complex problems of political participation. As a secondary goal of this approach, it is also an increase in the academic and scientific literacy of the participants.

Open Call for Training Course Training Course “Youth4Values” in Athens, Greece

Open Call for Training Course Training Course “Youth4Values” in Athens, Greece

Project will support active citizenship and political participation of youth in partner countries, coming from 3 different European regions. As well as, the project will foster the development of social and intercultural competencies, critical thinking, and soft and transversal skills.

ANKETA: Identifikacija izazova i perspektiva u političkoj participaciji mladih

ANKETA: Identifikacija izazova i perspektiva u političkoj participaciji mladih

U sklopu našeg kontinuiranog rada na poboljšanju angažmana i političke participacije mladih, pokrećemo detaljnu anketu dizajniranu da se bavi nekoliko ključnih područja koja utječu na mlade osobe u Bosni i Hercegovini, Crnoj Gori, Grčkoj i Španiji. Cilj ove ankete je otkriti ključne izazove i značajne prepreke koje ometaju aktivnu političku participaciju mladih

Youth4Values ES – Kick Off Meeting

Youth4Values ES – Kick Off Meeting

Youth4Values es un proyecto de Desarrollo de Capacidades, del Programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea, aprobado por la Agencia Ejecutiva Europea de Educación y Cultura, y coordinado por BRAVO(BiH). El proyecto se orienta a fomentando una cultura de ciudadanía activa, promoviendo la educación cívica y empoderando a las personas con conocimiento sobre sus derechos y responsabilidades como ciudadanía.

🌟 Launching the “Youth4Values” Project: A Journey Toward Empowering Youth 🌟

🌟 Launching the “Youth4Values” Project: A Journey Toward Empowering Youth 🌟

We are thrilled to announce the commencement of the “Youth4Values” project, a dynamic two-year initiative generously supported by the European Commission through the Capacity Building Youth program. This endeavor marks a significant step forward in fostering active citizenship and community engagement among young people across Europe.
