According to DynaMed, obesity is the condition of having excess accumulation of body fat defined by body mass index (BMI) above the designated cutoff for age and sex. It is caused by a complex set of interacting factors that are related to genetics, behaviour, and the physical and social environment.[1]
There are different factors which may increase the risk for childhood obesity, including endocrinological issues, taking certain groups of medications, genetics, ethnicity, family history, poor sleep quality, lack of physical activity, diet preferences and other psychosocial factors. It is important to acknowledge all the possible causes of childhood obesity, as the impact it has on an affected adolescent’s live is significant. As research shows, obesity in children increases the risk of having high blood pressure and cholesterol, which can further lead to heart diseases. It can also result in having type two diabetes, breathing issues like asthma or joint problems, such as osteoarthritis. Childhood obesity can also have a significant impact on psychosocial development. It can be the leading factor of low self-esteem, anxiety and depression.[2]
[1] https://www.dynamed.com/condition/obesity-in-children-and-adolescents#GUID-4A506B90-F806-4BF0-B7CBFE61EA84B0E3
[2] https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/basics/ consequences.html#:~:text=Childhood%20obesity%20is%20also%20associated%20with%3A&text=Psychological %20problems%20such%20as%20anxiety,such%20as%20bullying%20and%20stigma.
As the Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in School Children in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Cross-Sectional Study says that in BiH 21.6% of school children aged 10-14 are overweight or obese, with boys significantly more affected than girls (29.67% vs. 13.78%). The most affected group is young boys. For girls, the highest rates of overweight were observed at age 13, but it declines by age 14 as they start to prioritize their appearance and engage in healthier habits.[1][2] These findings highlight the importance of addressing childhood obesity early, as being overweight can lead to lifelong health issues. It’s crucial to create environments where children find joy in physical activities, helping them develop healthier lifestyles.
It is important to take care about child’s health choices and act early on any alarming signs of excessive weight gain. This way we can ensure the best possible development and prevent dangerous health complications in the adult’s life. As the Bosnian study finds, we should especially focus on boys obesity factors, as they are the most affected group.