Thanks to the Erasmus + program and ANTIK organization from Albania, BRAVO volunteers did the third local workshop on the topic of „Combating Hate Speech Through Art and Creative Writing“.
For the final workshop, volunteers organized the painting of the mural. The location of the mural is on Internation Burch University campus, Classroom 123 – Laptop room. On this workshop, they had great support from our Professors: Ljubomir Todorović, Ranko Anđelić, and Edin Durmišević. Volunteers made a team of hardworking graphic design and multimedia students that are also PixelCrew club members. Thanks to all of the mentioned people they finished painting the mural in two days.
Volonteers that did this amazing art are: Bakir Hadžić, Emina Duraković, Vural Sahin, Saša Kravec, Najla Čeljo, Mirha Beganović, Ajdin Korić, Iman Čordalija, Nejira Borovac, Aida Zahirović, Amina Imamović, Lejla Vrcić, and Jasmina Pinjić.
In the following text you can read what volunteers had to say about this amazing experience:
„The concept of this mural is the story of Adam and Eve from the book of Genesis. The reason why I chose this topic is that religions and mythology are a great passion of mine and there is a reason why people talk about them and base their work on them after all these years. I wanted to make something abstract out of geometric shapes. The pictograms show the stairs to heaven, the creation of Adam and Eve, and also the devil who turned into a serpent and persuaded Eve to take the apple from the tree of wisdom. All of this is accompanied by details depicting God, his anger, and the expulsion of Adam and Eve to earth. Art stretches from cave drawings to the present day and my opinion is that art has reached its peak thanks to myths and religions because people wanted to show their imagination and their stories in their own way. They portrayed them in a variety of styles, ranging from Christian to Islamic art. I wanted to portray something religious in a modern way, like some clash of styles. Also, there has never been room for hatred in art. People often do things that are only related to their own culture and that is why we sometimes have trouble understanding others. We need to constantly educate ourselves and take an interest in other cultures in order to get the best out of them.“ Bakir Hadžić, designer
„The entire experience of working on the mural with my colleagues was amazing. Not only because of the process but also because of the great teamwork and synergy we had as a group. I wasn’t even aware of how quickly the 2 days passed until we all put our brushes down and looked at the finished work. I’m looking forward to more of these team-oriented works in the future and can’t wait to see how the walls will get decorated with color.“ Ajdin Korić, volonteer
„It was a pleasure to work with my colleagues on this project, also great opportunity to do things together with professors. A great and fun new experience for all of us. Thank you BRAVO!“ Amina Imamović, volonteer
„I’ve never had a chance to make a mural, this was my first time and I’m fascinated. It was so fun and a bit challenging for me. I have to admit it was hard, but with the great support and solidarity of colleagues who were as well on this, it turns out to be a great experience. This mural came out great!“ Mirha Beganović, volonteer
„I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to be part of this Erasmus + program on the topic of „Combating Hate Speech Through Art and Creative Writing“ that was held in Albania and that I had an opportunity to make a local workshop in my home country. Erasmus + program is something truly special and an important experience that all youngsters should experience. I want to thank my lecturers Mimoza Ikonomi and Dritan Ziu, the organization of this program ANTIK organization – Saimir Ahmeti; BRAVO organization for giving me the opportunity to make a workshop such as this one, thanks to Ismail Šehić and Suad Murselović; my university and my professors for supporting this event. I need to express special thanks and great respect to my team. The amount of effort and positive energy we all invested in this workshop was just amazing and inspiring.“ Semina Bulić, organizator of the workshop
„It was a great pleasure to be included in the organization of mural painting at our university. After we published the open call for sketches, we received numerous submissions. The one we have chosen stood out from the beginning. I was impressed how smooth things went. All of the students included, worked in beautiful coordination and synergy. Painting of the mural brought us all together and bonded us in a very strong student-teacher community. I am very proud of our achievement and I am looking forward to many of similar projects.“
doc. professor Ljubomir Todorović, MFA