“During a recent project organized by Bravo in Sarajevo, I had the opportunity to meet an incredible group of people from diverse backgrounds. Each person brought their own unique experiences and perspectives, and together we created an environment full of learning and growth. I found myself constantly inspired by the conversations and the energy of the team, pushing me to think differently and to challenge myself in ways I hadn’t expected. It wasn’t just about the formal knowledge we gained, but also the personal connections and shared moments that made this experience truly memorable.


As I carry everything I’ve learned from Sarajevo back with me to Brčko, I feel equipped with new skills and a broader outlook. The insights from the sessions and the bonds I’ve built with the people will undoubtedly influence my future work. I’m excited to take on new challenges, knowing that I have grown both professionally and personally from this experience.” – Ivan Rebac

„During my time on a project Be socially (PRO)active I truly had a great time full of positive experiences and memories. At first, I admit, I was a little bit hesitant, since this is my first Bravo project and I did not know what to expect. As soon as I started to meet other people, firstly my Bosnian team fellows, I encountered the most exceptional young welcoming people full of creative ideas and motivation and dedication to be proactive. And the same goes for my fellas from other countries – they were so welcoming and so interested and eager to learn about being proactive and to explore our country. Working together with all of them was a joyful experience full of laughter and learning new things – learning from the sessions and from those exact people who showed such a passion to be a proactive citizens. Thanks to organisers, who truly took effort to make a schedule where we would have fun while learning something, I got a chance to chat with all of them and to learn something about their culture.


Meeting all of those people, spending time with them and the knowledge I god from sessions are valuable treasure for me. I am truly thankful to Bravo who choose me to work on this project with these exact people. The memories and experience that I now have, I would not trade for anything. Thank you Bravo!“ – Berina Hadžalić

„This is a project that I will remember forever. I discovered many various cultures and traditions, but individuals remained the same. Everyone was nice and welcoming, so we immediately became a family. The project’s theme was also very essential, and we completed several key tasks to acknowledge and practice the theory that we were discussing.

One day trip to Mostar was rainy, but gorgeous. We had a fantastic day with the nicest tourist guide, Sara.
Of course, you can never connect with everyone, but I’m happy to say that I met several people who will be my friends for life. Thank you, Fundacjawyobrazniej ana Bravo” – Hana Brkić

“The „BE SOCIALLY (PRO)ACTIVE“ project was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I’ve met so many amazing people I will remember and cherish forever. I had this great opportunity to teach other people about my culture and to learn more about theirs. I like to believe that they had a great time with me just like I did with them.Also, workshops we did helped me improve my teamwork and communication skills, and I learnt many valuable skills in social activism that I will be passing on to other people in the future. The hard work we put into these workshops will pay off, and if not used by us directly, we will pass it on to others who will be even more socially active.

I am happy to call those people from the project my friends. I am proud of each and every one of them, and I am thankful they thought me a lot and made my days in Sarajevo a whole lot better.” – Sumeja Ibrahimović

My time on Youth Exchange in Sarajevo was incredible. Our group was very diverse, and it was a pleasure to meet people from different backgrounds and form friendships with so many unique individuals. Also, it was a privilege to show them Bosnian culture in the heart of our country. The topic was social (pro)activism and I think that this Erasmus+ showed me the true essence of being proactive. Through daily workshops, I learned about the importance of reacting with empathy and participating in culture. I also feel inspired by the many young people I met who have dedicated their lives to helping others through volunteering. I am very grateful for this opportunity, which has become an unforgettable memory, and I believe everyone should participate in an Erasmus+ project at least once in their life.” – Valentina Josipović

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