Structured Dialogue aims to promote the active participation of young people in democratic life and foster debate around the major issues affecting youth. Specifically, these activities aim to bring young people and decision makers into discussion to help develop policies in the sector, notably the EU Youth
Strategy. Erasmus+ provides the opportunity for organizations to organize:
- national, transnational, or international meetings or seminars that allow for information, debate, and dialogue between young people and decision-makers
- national, transnational, or international meetings or seminars that prepare the ground for the official Youth Conferences
- events that promote debate and information on youth policy themes linked to the activities of the Youth Week
- consultations of young people
- meetings, seminars, events, or debates between young people and decisions-makers and experts on participation in democratic life
- events simulating the functioning of democratic institutions and the roles of decision-makers therein.
In addition to this, the European Civil Society is concerned by the lack of a coordinated and adequate response that is exaggerating fear, racism, and indifference among citizens in Europe, as well as by the violations of human rights experienced by migrants and refugees. They believe that the current “refugee and migrant crisis” will not cease in the short term and that longer term policies and a holistic approach combining different policies are needed. That’s where BRICKS come to play. We think that calling for the establishment of a structured dialogue between decision-makers and civil society organizations on the issue of migration is key. This should be at both national and EU level in order to develop a long term response. BRICKS aims to promote the importance of the migration crisis as an ongoing issue that concerns every citizen as well as the whole world. Every human deserves space and acceptance. With the help of BRICKS we can do anything. At a time when human rights are under attack globally, it is more important than ever to pursue human rights dialogues and, at the same time, to reinvigorate these dialogues in order to maximize their impact.
More about BRICKS project:
The project “BRICKS” is dedicated to young European citizens interested in sharing knowledge and perspectives about actual key themes relevant for their future, as well as for the European Unions’ future such as civil and human rights, migration, environment, and youth employability.
“BRICKS” will involve young participants from the age range of 18-24, coming from both international and local communities, engaging them into a multidimensional dialogue to connect them with the EU history, values and future through visits to places of memory, gamification and structured debates, using virtual reality, LEGO gaming and storytelling.
To achieve the objectives of the project, the involved organizations will select youngsters (18-24 years old) in upcoming events from different EU countries, according to their orientations, Eurosceptics or Eurosupporters, towards EU policies related to the selected themes (EU bodies, civic rights and duties, EU values, civil rights and media freedom, migration and human rights, youth policies) and will bring them together in 6 events held in Italy, Republic of Serbia, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece or Cyprus and Belgium. During the mobilities, the young participants, through laboratories, workshops and study visits will develop critical thinking on sensitive matters mentioned before, debating and exchanging their thoughts for finally developing a document containing all their ideas and recommendations to be presented in Brussels to the EU policy makers during the last event.
If “BRICKS” and its idea sound good to you then keep out for upcoming “BRICKS” open calls!