SITTING DARTS - Final Meeting

Final international meeting of partner organizations from Turkey, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, within the project “Sitting Darts”, intended for children aged 14-18 with long-term physical, mental or sensory impairments, which do not provide effective participation in society, was held in Ankara, Turkey, from 12-14. November 2021.


The Turkish Bowling, Bowling and Darts Federation hosted the final meeting (TBBD). Lejla Srna, a member of the BRAVO organization’s board of directors, attended the meeting on behalf of the organization. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Turkmen, President of the TBBDF, greeted all those present, wished them a nice stay in Ankara, briefed them on the federation’s operations, and so officially launched the conference. The working part of the meeting was led by Gen. Secretary Eren Ozturk and Associate Onur Akman. 

After the meeting, the participants were greeted by the former president of the Turkish Sports Association for All, Prof. Dr. Erdal Zorba, after which the President of the Turkmen Federation presented awards to representatives of partner organizations and on that occasion thanked for the successful cooperation and expressed the desire to continue the partnership on future projects.

The first working day was dedicated to the presentations and evaluation of national competitions in “sitting darts” which were held in each of the countries participating in the project. The next day, details related to the financial flow of the project were presented and the tasks for dissemination and submission of the final report on the project were divided.

Along with the meetings, the final tournament in “sitting darts” was held, in which the winners of national competitions from partner countries participated, a total of 8 teams divided into two groups. On the first day, qualification matches were held in which the teams from Turkey and Serbia won in both groups, and unfortunately our team did not advance further. The next day, the final matches were held. The first place was won by the team from Turkey, while the second and third place were won by the teams from Serbia.

After the tournament, a sightseeing tour was organized where guests could get acquainted with the cultural and historical sights of Ankara, after which the socializing continued at dinner at the hotel, respecting the current measures to combat the infectious disease COVID-19.


The result of such a project is the inclusion of all children in sports, regardless of their age, shortcomings and the like. Nevertheless, we are proud of our team that showed great motivation, effort, cooperation and fair play.

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