Donosimo vam još jednu odličnu priliku! Ovaj put je riječ o jednodnevnom treningu ”LEO” koji će se održati 8.12. u prostorijama BM International Business Center Hotela u Sarajevu.
Tražimo 5 učesnika muškog roda koji su zainteresovani da se više edukuju o načinima pružanje podrške ženama u procesu ostvarivanja njihovog liderstva i ekonomskog osnaživanja. Učešćem na ovom teningu, mladi će steći osnovna znanja vezana za ulogu facilitatora i načine na koje mogu stečeno znanje prenijeti drugima.
Trening je namijenjem mladim osobama muškog roda između 18 i 30 godina koji su aktivno uključeni u lokalnu zajednicu i nastoje steći nova iskustva.
Jednodnevni trening će obuhvatiti sljedeće teme:
razlika u platama između žena i muškaraca
neplaćeni rad
rodni stereotipi
Učesnici će također razgovarati o glavnim izazovima ženskog liderstva i rodne ravnopravnosti. Odabrani učesnici će biti edukovani o načinima pružanja podrške mladim ženama koje nastoje stvoriti vlastito mjesto na tržištu rada. Učešćem na treningu, oni će naučiti više o načinima na koje mogu biti uključeni u proces ekonomskog osnaživanja žena. Oni će dodatno biti obučeni o implementiranju radionica na lokalnom nivou.
Svi učesnici će dobiti certifikat o učešću.
2 najbolja kandidata će imati priliku provesti 14 dana u Italiji gdje će raditi na razvoju sebe, svojih vještina i ideja uz podršku koordinatora ovog projekat, drugih lokalnih organizacija i istitucija.
Svi troškovi – put, hrana i smještaj će biti potpuno pokriveni.
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More about LEO project:
Women’s empowerment is a prerequisite for gender equality, according to the CoE Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2023. Even when girls demonstrate leadership abilities or hold positions of power, the world fails to make them feel good because the mind model that we have is gendered “male.” As a result, when girls adopt such a model, claiming that leaders are bold and make difficult decisions, they may experience cognitive dissonance (A. Sinclair, 2007). Men outnumber women in leadership positions in every sector of the world, including business, nonprofits, government, education, medicine, the military, and religion (Andrews, 2021). This gender gap, often referred to with the metaphor “glass ceiling”, represents one of the most critical challenges to achieve gender equity and allow equitable working opportunities to all genders.
An extensive body of research claims that men can benefit from greater gender equality in that the pressure of being the primary breadwinner of the household is relieved, and they can develop healthier relationships with their wives and children. This view is particularly true in developing countries, where women have limited freedom and autodetermination (Connell, 2013 in Sweetman, 2013). Furthermore, research suggests that the most efficient social group to educate about women leadership and gender equality is the youth. It is critical to engage younger men in this process, especially for future generations of female entrepreneurs and business owners (IMAGES, 2010).
Given the urgency of achieving gender equity, which encompasses promoting women leadership and including men in the process, the capacity building project LEO – Leadership is for Everyone) was created. The project aims at enhancing women’s leadership, developing NFE resources for youth workers and young people, promoting men’s involvement in women’s empowerment, and strengthening the synergies
between youth work and the labour market.
This aim will be achieved through the following objectives:
1. Identifying young women’s challenges in becoming leaders in partner countries and understanding how to address them during the first five months of the first year (research and gender assessment).
2. By the end of the first year, we aim at having increased men’s involvement in the process of women’s empowerment and identified 20 (5 per partner country)positive masculinity figures to support the project and challenge traditional sexist stereotypes in their communities (gender assessment, training and e-courses).
3. To improve the qualifications and competencies of 5 youth workers in each partner country by the end of the first year in order to better support women’s leadership (e-courses and training).
4. To make it easier for 20 women from each partner country to enter the labor force by August 2023. (internship programme, job shadowing, training and e-courses).
5. By the end of the second year, partner countries should have a better understanding of young women’s leadership and gender equality (3 local events, 1 career fair, e-courses, mediatic dissemination).
And specific call’s thematic areas:
1. inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities;
2. empowerment / engagement / employability of young people;
3. anti-discrimination and gender equality;
Overall, the LEO project efficiently contributes to the global effort to achieve gender equity and meets the EU Gender Equality Strategy Key Actions 2020-2025 (challenging gender stereotypes, boosting women’s economic empowerment, ensuring equal opportunities in the labour market). Moreover, the project addresses many of the general and specific call’s objectives, ensuring its quality and relevance.