Open Call for 8 Participants for Youth Exchange "(DI)ADVOCATE"

Name of the project: “(DI)ADVOCATE”


Date of Project: 23.08.2022. – 31.08.2022.


Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”


Place: Sarajevo, B&H


Participants age: +18


The number of participants: 8


Working language: English


Deadline for applying: 12.08.2022.

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food.


This project is directly aimed at the inclusion of young people with diabetes and it is an international youth mobility project. The three German, Bosnian and Turkish groups will be voluntarily made up of young people with and without diabetes who are motivated by the project around the themes of advocacy, solidarity and mobility. Our target group are participants between the age of 18 and 30, who either have Diabetes themselves or who are willing to learn more about chronic conditions and their impacts on the individual. We are looking for participants who would like to improve not only their English language skills, but also their organisational, communicational and digital skills in an international setting. We will encourage the participants to advocate for diabetes, but in that learning also for other human rights and societal issues and at national level. This is a great opportunity for people who would like to work in project management and social institutions/organisations in the future.  Participants of this youth exchange will get a chance to get to know more about diabetes as well as share their knowledge about it. Through our methods, they will get more aware of this chronic condition and get some tips and tricks on how to support and how to advocate for and with people with diabetes. A topic which we will work on is campaigning as well.  Besides the fact that our participants will get to know about diabetes, advocacy and campaigning, our participants will:


  • become more culturally aware and expressive: participants 
  • develop their digital skills
  • teach each other using their mother tongue in preparation for a seminar in reflective groups that will be done on daily expectations
  • have a chance to increase their skills in English as a foreign language throughout the duration of the project
  • need to be aware of the time so that they are not late for the workshops
  • improve their social and civil skills
  • have a chance throughout the entire duration of the project to express their opinion and organize their own activities



  1. Jugendhilfe und Sozialarbeit e.V.
  3. Akdeniz Egitim ve Istihdam Dernegi


Young participants between the ages of 18-30, who either have diabetes themselves or who are willing to learn more about chronic conditions and group leaders will be included in our project.


Expected and specific profile of the participants:


  • Related to diabetes
  • Open-minded, innovative and open to learning
  • Tolerant to different cultures, religions and languages
  • Those with fewer opportunities economically, socially, culturally and geographically
  • Able to speak and write at least beginner level English
  • Eilling to learn interculturally and work together
  • Does not have cultural prejudices, respects differences
  • Teamwork, team spirit, sense of duty and responsibility
  • Those who live in the EU and the neighboring countries of the EU are willing to bring cultural differences to a universal dimension by combining them through our project.


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