Open Call for 5 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Youth Exchange in Casaio, Spain

- Name of the project: I don’t belive in Meigas but in Valdeorras there are
- Date of Project: 15.08.2021 – 21.08.2021.
- Hosting organization: “Valdeorras Vive ”
- Sending organizations: “BRAVO“
- Place: Casaio, Spain
- Participants age: 18 – 30
- The number of participants: 4+1
- Working language: English
- Deadline for applying: 20.06.2021.
This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food.
Galicia and its witches are well known in the national territory, clearly marking one of the tourist attractions today, especially in Santiago de Compostela. The oldest references date back to the 13th century and since then, these legends have directly infuenced the cultural evolution of this region.
This project tries to exchange different perspectives on witches, sharing refections among the participants thanks to their experiences or stories that a family member or friend has told them. A dialogue and debate will be sought about those traditional legends of each of the countries where youth participants are from, with an emphasis on cultural exchange and the difference between legends even though the base of witchcraft is the same. In addition, we will host participants in a old and misterious small town inner Galicia, giving them as well the possibility of visiting places as O Teixadal. Nights of Meigas will also be part of the project, understanding deeply rooted Galician traditions such as telling stories around the bonfre while quoting the witches’ incantation when the queimada is cooked. The fact that the participants are rural area gives the possibility of interacting with the natural environment that surrounds them, being able to understand the heart of the Galician culture of the interior in its greatest splendour. Therefore, this environment so remote and isolated from the city, it encourages a more relaxed atmosphere to engage in deep debates and talks on profound topics.
This project will give participants a possibility to deeply understand other cultures, people´s behavior and thus, totally eradicating any sign of xenophobia. Therefore, the main objectives of Valdeorras Vive with this project focus on:
- To raise self, cultural, and ethnic awareness through non-formal educational methods.
- To develop self-refection and the 8 key competences and skills among the participants.
- To optimize the efectiveness and creativeness using a competency-based approach.
- To reinforce understanding and interest in other cultures and their views, basic concepts and peculiarities through intercultural learning.
- To promote positive and respectful attitudes toward various cultures, people and their specialty.
- To increase levels of tolerance, peace, and cooperation.
- To create strong and lifelong connections.

- Enthusiastic, interested in the topic and aware that we will be hosted for 5 days in a isolate and rural place
- Young people who are willing to contribute the project
- Able to participate the whole project (participants will not be able to arrive after or to leave before the arrival/departure day is establish on the project)
- Good command of English language
- Eager to exchange thoughts with participants with other backgrounds and cultures
- Electonic Device:
At least one of every country group must bring a laptop, tablet or electronic device. - Intercultural Evenings:
For these activities, participants will prepare some cultural dances, songs, food, or anything they would like to share. - Weather & Clothing:
Even though Spain used to have hot and good weather, we want to inform that during the day used to be around 30ºC but at night, it lows to 10ºC. Therefore, bring your sweatshirts or jackets for the evening activities. We will be mainly outside enjoying outdoor activities in a town with streets made of stones, so bring comfortable hiking boots. - Supermarket:
There is just one small shop on the whole town, so if you want to bring any special food, drink or whatever else, we highly recommend you to buy them before taking the bus organized by Valdeorras Vive

Participants will be hosted in “Eco dos Teixos” during the project. Eco dos Teixos is a hostel and activities center located in the village of Casaio, in the region of Valdeorras.
The hostel has just been opened in 2021, with fantastic facilities and amenities, green spaces and rooms with bunk beds.
Participants will enjoy the wild nature of our region, the highest mountains of Galicia, our traditional food and lifestyle, engaging with the local community.

All participants must look for the best price of their own travel schedule to MADRID.
A bus from Madrid-Moncloa (just right in the entrance of the Air Spanish Forces Palace) will be waiting for the participants with some members of Valdeorras Vive NGO to travel all together to the north of Spain.
The bus ride will be around 5 hours and the departure time will be announced a week before of the mobility, since it will depend on the arrival time of all participants.
**All participants (except Spanish team) must count with 60/70€ less of their travel budget as it will be used for the ride bus from Madrid to Casaio, and Viceversa.
- All participants must keep their travel tickets: flight reservation, boarding passes, bus or train tickets… If they are in paper, participants will bring them to the project and give them to Valdeorras Vive staff. If they are electronic tickets, participants will have to send them to Valdeorras Vive (procedure will be detailed during the mobility).
- Valdeorras Vive will return the travel money to all participants some weeks after the project. The payment will be a bank transfer through the sending NGO around two weeks after the project (as soon as we have all the participants´tickets). Remember that without the tickets we will not be able to return the money for the trip.
- Travel Budget to be returned: Keep in mind that only the money established by the EU will be returned for each participant according to the country of origin.
Moreover, consider the aprox. 70€ less of the travel budget of the bus from Madrid-Ponferrada and Ponferrada-Madrid. The price of this bus will be confirmed a few weeks before the project.