Open Call for 5 Participants for Youth Exchange in Sirogojno,Serbia - Grenner Connections

  • Name of the project: “Grenner Connections”

  • Date of Project: 23.11.2021 – 01.12.2021.

  • Hosting organization: “SFERA Serbia”

  • Sending organizations: “BRAVO
  • Place: Sirogojno, Serbia

  • Participants age: + 18

  • The number of  participants : 4+1

  • Working language: English

  • Deadline for applying: 05.11.2021

  • Important note:  Preference is given to all persons who have been fully vaccinated.

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food.


Youth exchange “Greener Connections” will take place in Sirogojno, Serbia.

From 23.11.-01.12.2021, it will gather 49 participantsfrom Nederland,Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Bosnia &Hercegovina, Jordan, Italy, Albania, and Bulgaria.

Objectives of the project:
Our aim isto underline the best practices existing in the areasrepresented within the project.

The main objectives of the project are:
• contribute to improve the employmentrate within the participants’ communities

• improve the level of the key competences of the young participants, in particularthe ones with fewer opportunities

• transfer practicesrelated to active citizenship

• promote Erasmus + program around Europe

• encourage new forms of experiential and intercultural learning

• promote alternative and eco-sustainable economic models

Working Methods

All the activities of this project are based on a variety of nonformal methods(games, teambuilding, visual methods, competitions,role plays, group work, peer-to-peerlearning, discussion),structured in the way to meet the needs of young people.
The working language of this youth exchange will be English. Your English doesn’t need to be perfect, neither is ours! Better a little English than no language communication at all.


Who is target group of this project?
Participants will be selected according to the following, basic criteria:

* they are active youth between 18 – 29 (except group leader),

* youth without experience in this kind of project;

* they come from geographical, cultural, educational, social or economically deprived areas;

* they are willing to learn something new and interested in being actively involved in each stage of the project.

Partners will also be encouraged to select participants who are able to express them selves in English, share good practices and are willing to continue further work in international youth projects.

Each group will need to prepare and facilitate several sessions/activities during the exchange” (they’ll be decided later in our Facebook group)

• An energizer game
• A presentation of your sending organization
• A presentation of your country through traditional food and culture.

You are expected to attend the full duration of the Youth Exchange!!!


The participants should arrive at Sirogojno, Serbia on 23.11 and depart on


We are starting with dinner on 23rd and finishing at 01th with breakfast. We kindly remind you that early accommodation outside of the listed project dates will be on your own expense and responsibility.


Please note that without all original tickets, invoices we CAN NOT make
reimbursement to you!!!!

Travel cost for participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina – 180 EUR


• Medication, shampoo and other personal items.

• Standard seminar equipment

• Warm, comfortable clothes since it can be cold in December.

• Passport / ID

Airplane tickets:

• Flight tickets (with the name of the passenger and flight details/invoice of flight- printed);

• All boarding passes – printed

• Other transport documentation

• European health card (it is free)


The accommodation is 100% covered by Erasmus+ Programme.

Extra drinks/snacks are on your own account.

More details about traveling when you arrive in Serbia we will inform you later when we get all your arrival details.
Our accomodation addressis: 406 Sirogojno

Covid info

As the situation is changing all the time, we will keep you posted on any important information through our Facebook group.

However, keep an eye on the situation and restrictions in your own country and especially on what are rules upon returning home!


About us:

ADRA Netherlandsisfounded on the 16e of April 1991 and has now 24 years of experience.

ADRA Netherlands is founded to help the most needed people in the world and help to reduce poverty.

We are part of the network of ADRA which is working in 139 countries at the moment.

We have five focus areas: emergency, food, health, education, and economic development.

ADRA Netherlandsis primary a fundraising organization to be able to fund projects and programsin the South.

Departure day: 01 of December 2021

Please read all the information carefully!

Looking forward to seeing you soon 🙂


If you have any questions feel free to contact BRAVO TEAM

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