Open call for 5 participants for Training Course in Zboiska, Subcarpathian Voivodeship, Poland

BRAVO with partners announce a call for 5 participants for a TRAINING COURSE in Zboiska, Subcarpathian Voivodeship, Poland from 12.11 – 20.11.2021. for citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and those living in this country.

  • Name of the project: “Social and Urban Business May be a Treasure! – SUBMIT!

  • Date of Project:  12.11 – 20.11.2021.  

  • Applicant organization: “FUNDACIJA CiM”

  • Hosting organization:  “FUNDACIJA CiM”

  • Sending organizations: “BRAVO”

  • Place: Zboiska, Subcarpathian Voivodeship, Poland

  • Participants age: 18+

  • The number of participants: 5

  • Working language: English

  • Deadline for applying: 25.09.2021.

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food. 

About the Project:

“Social and Urban Business May be a Treasure!” is a Training Course (TC) that aims to gather in Jaroslaw (Poland), from 12/11 – 20/11/2020 (7 working days+ 2 travel day), 45 youth workers from 9 countries (Poland, Italy, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Turkey, Serbia and North Macedonia). The Training Course aim is to explore the concept of social and urban entrepreneurship as an innovative way to solve social problems using entrepreneurial skills and youth voice. It is an attempt to give an appropriate answer to the problems that young people from disadvantaged throughout Europe are facing in the present: the high percentage of  unemployment.

For the reasons mentioned above, the objectives of the TC are:

  • to empower young people raising their self-esteem stimulating their creativity and sense of entrepreneurship;
  • to raise awareness in the participants on key competencies and develop different methods for using them in practice within social projects, developing and matching them with the new requirements of Erasmus with their organizations;
  • to develop cooperation among different organizations coming from Slavic countries and Mediterranean;
  • to incentive young people to get involved in NGOs, youth activities, into local authorities, into international opportunities that arise. Also, for them to stay and/or return to their communities, be active citizens and contribute to the realization of changes. We believe we can contribute to this goal through non-formal ways, moving down-up.

Regarding the issues we want to tackle in the project, we intend to include the following:

  • Youth Unemployment, by highlighting the educational and boundless opportunities that exist and promoting active and proactive responses to them. Through its contribution to the decrease of unemployment, the project can also help to revitalize disadvantaged areas;

  • Creativity and entrepreneurship, with the intention to practice empowerment of young people in order to make them aware of their own values and competencies stressing their creativity and the capacity to create new job opportunities for themselves;

  • Awareness about the nature of youth work through exploring the advantages, providing examples of youth work, trying to make the participants understand its purpose and meaning, as well as its impact on society, specifically on their communities and on their personal development.

The project is involving 9 partner organizations from European countries.

About Training Course:

The training course is based on the pedagogical understanding of the Council of Europe and European Commission Partnership Programme and our own experience and expertise in health- enhancing physical activities, youth work and intercultural dialogue. The training course will follow the non-formal education approach, principles and methods and will be based on participants experience and exchange. A combination of different creative, participatory and interactive method will be used and designed upon the profile of participants, some of them being:

  • theoretical themes and lectures;
  • individual/group activities;
  • group games and exercises,
  • simulations and role-plays;
  • work on examples in a small group;
  • sport and outdoor activities,
  • discussions; etc.

The learning of new skills, the acquisition of knowledge and the exchange and challenge of each other’s attitude and experience are very important for this training course.

The project is a Training Course where we plan to bring youth workers from 9 different European countries (in total 45, 5 from Poland, 5 from Italy, 5 from Montenegro, 5 from Romania, 5 from Bosnia and Herzegovina, 5 from Bulgaria, 5 from Turkey, 5 from Serbia and 5 from North Macedonia) that work direct or indirectly with disadvantaged urban/rural young people. This phase will be dedicated to foster quality improvements in youth work through developing the skills of participants in the work with youth and learning about various non-formal methods. We will achieve this thanks to enhancing cooperation between different organizations involved in the project implementation. The general structure of the project is organized as follows:

  1. Professional development:
    – BMI counting
    – Social Entrepreneurship,
    – Sustainable Development, using social media to promote social business,
    – project management,
    – B2B & B2C 3.
  2. Personal development:
    – self-confidence,
    – self-awareness, skills,
    – creativity, teamwork, communication
    – learning a foreign language, body language
    – management
  3. Exchange and transfer of knowledge:
    – video presentations on different successful social enterprises,
    – reliable sources of information,
    – interactive discussion stimulator conversation with experts
  4. Sustainable approach&European cooperation:
    – action plan Evaluation: daily feedbacks, participants reflections, testimonials, diaries, article creation
  5. Dissemination:
    – PPT presentation
    – Cultural contact:_
    – traditional meal,
    – evening activities about the food culture of participating countries,
    – city visiting,
    – contact with local people.

Participants’ Profile:

Participants: 5 participants per country (18+)

Who: youth workers, activists, representatives of NGOs, volunteers, students…

Gender: No matter

Language: English

Coordinating/hosting organisation: FUNDACIJA CiM

The Foundation deals with:

  • Promoting democratic values, initiating and supporting innovative solutions in various areas of social life, especially in protecting human and civil rights and freedoms, in protecting family life and social prevention.

  • Supporting the comprehensive development of Polish society and especially social, informational, cultural, scientific and educational activities for the development of the market and democracy in Poland and the rapprochement of nations and states of Central and Eastern Europe.

  • Promoting the idea of unity of the Slavs, initiating support and developing cooperation at all levels of government and local government.

  • Expanding mutual knowledge about the culture and relationships of the Slavic peoples and the Cyrillo-Methodian tradition.

  • Education about European knowledge / values, exchange and transfer of experience gained in the fields of cooperation with the European Union institutions.

  • initiating, planning and implementing joint ventures aimed at education and youth exchange in the spirit of learning about cultures.

  • Care and development of a common culture of Slavic nations.

  • Developing and strengthening attitudes focused on active cooperation in the development of civil society.

  • Activities for organizations whose statutory objectives are: scientific, scientific and technical, educational, cultural activities, in the field of physical culture and sport, environmental protection, charity, health protection and social assistance, vocational and social rehabilitation of invalids.

  • Activities for professional and social integration and reintegration of persons at risk of social exclusion

  • Protection and promotion of health

  • Activities for European integration and development of contacts and cooperation between societies

  • Activities supporting economic development, including the development of entrepreneurship

  • Activities on favor of national and ethnic minorities

How to apply?


  1. Complete the BRAVO- APPLICATION FORM in English title as following ”name of the project you are applying for” until 23:59 on deadline day.

  2. Deadline for applying: 25.09.2021.

  3. Selection results: 30.09.2021.

    – External BiH participants– NO PARTICIPATION FEE

  5. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at: 

If you have any questions feel free to contact BRAVO TEAM

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