Open Call for 5 Participants for Training Course “Leadership for everyone"

Name of the project: “Leadership for everyone”

Date of Project: 12.09.2022. – 19.09.2022.

Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”

Place: Tirana, Albania

Participants age: +18

The number of participants: 5

Working language: English

Deadline for applying: 13.08.2022.

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food.


Women economic empowerment is an essential asset to achieve gender equality. However, in most countries, worldwide men outnumber women in leadership positions in every sector globally, including business, non-profits, government, education, medicine, the military, and religion. This gender gap, often referred to with the metaphor “glass ceiling”, represents one of the most critical challenges to achieve gender equity and allow equitable working opportunities to all genders. Given the urgency of achieving gender equity, which encompasses promoting women leadership and including men in the process, the capacity-building project LEO – Leadership is for Everyone was created. The project aims to enhance women’s leadership, develop NFE resources for youth workers and young people, promote men’s involvement in women’s empowerment, and strengthen the synergies between youth work and the labour market. This aim will be achieved through a wide range of single-sex and mixed activities (job-shadowing, internship programme, workshops, e-course, and more) for young women and men.


A 6 days international training course (+2 travel days) will be organised to train youth workers (5 per partner country) on how to support young women who struggle to enter the labour market, and how to involve men in their leadership and economic empowerment process. The training targets youth workers from 4 partner countries: Albania, BosniaHercegovina, Italy and Lithuania. The training is entirely based on non-formal education approach which involves learners on a voluntary basis and is carefully planned to foster the participants’ personal, social and professional development.







20 participants from partner organizations (5 per each country) from Italy, Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Lithuania.


  • Youth workers, youth leaders, activists, young people who want to learn on gender equality and women’s empowerment
  • 18+
  • Able to work in English
  • Can make concrete commitments to take forward the learning in their organization or community or setting.


We will reimburse the travel costs based on the cheapest and closest to the venue possibilities (second class railway tickets, bus tickets, low-cost flights), accompanied by the receipt of complete and original tickets, invoices, bills, receipts, or boarding cards. Before buying the tickets, please consult with the project’s team and check the traveling route with them. Travel costs will be reimbursed until the budget limit, set by the Erasmus+ Programme, based on real costs of the tickets.


Check list for travel reimbursement:


  1. Regular plane tickets must be accompanied
  • by the original invoice (signed and stamped)/receipt/pay order/proof of payment
  • the boarding pass (the small ticket with QR code you receive before boarding the plane)
  • the prices stated in the invoices, receipts etc. must coincide with the price on the ticket
  1. Electronic air tickets must be
  • printed out and include your name, the exact fare you paid, details of your flight on the same page
  • provided along with the credit card receipt for the payment or a copy of your bank statement (clearly showing the payment has been made)
  • given in with the boarding pass (ticket with QR code)
  1. Train/Bus tickets
  • It is important that that arrival and departure time as well as the price are visible (+ invoices if available)


Travel days: 12/09 and 19/09
Working days: 13/09-18/09
Activity place: Grand Hotel Tirana
Tirana, Albania

Tirana, the capital of Albania and its largest city, is the European Youth Capital for 2022. Tirana has prepared a rich programme, featuring more than 100 events aiming at promoting volunteerism, empowering youth organisations, and creating networks and synergies among young people from all over Europe! The European Youth Capital is a title awarded by the European Youth Forum which aims to empower young people, boost their participation and strengthen European identity in our cities.


Participants will be accommodated in a hotel near the Center of Tirana (Skanderbeg Square). Each partner will take care for the accommodation of their participants. Αccomodation will take place in rooms of 2-3 people according to the gender of the participants. All rooms have an air conditioner, and single beds.


Participants are going to receive their 3 meals per day in the hotel, having the opportunity to try Albania traditional dishes. Moreover, they will inform us before the training about their diet preferences or allergies.


Missing or lost tickets are not reimbursed

Booking paper alone is not enough

Any costs for taxi are not reimbursed

Return tickets must be bought in advance before the journey


The travel must take place on the direct way within the dates of beginning and ending of the Training Course. In case of long pauses or indirect routes (holiday travel), there is no reimbursement of travel costs. Personal insurance cover for personal effects is the responsibility of the individual participant. Participants are expected to provide themselves adequate medical and travel insurance to cover the period of your stay in Romania, which we strongly recommend.


Your personal staff. Check the forecast before departing.

Your own laptop (if you have).

There is free wi-fi available in the hotel and you will need it for some activities. Inform (send an email to) the organizers if you have any health issues that we should be aware of. All information will be kept in strict confidence.

National goods that you usually offer with tea or coffee. You can offer them during the coffee break, so that other participants can learn about your culture.


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