Open call for Training Course "SUSTAINABLE IMPACT"

  • Name of the project: ”Sustainable ImPACT”


  • Date of Project: 16.05.2022. – 26.05.2022.


  • Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”


  • Place: Lidman, Czech Republic


  • Participants age: +18


  • The number of participants: 5


  • Working language: English


  • Deadline for applying: 15.04.2022.

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food.


The  idea  to  create  the  Erasmus+  training  course Sustainable  ImPACT originated  with  one  main  mission  –   to  spread  the  idea  that sustainable lifestyle lead by basic environmental consciousness doesn‘t at all need to be an extreme way of life and that it can be quite easy and even money-saving to take actions to protect the environment.

Therefore we want  to  bring  together  young people from  6  different countries to teach and share with them experience and good practices related to sustainability and youth work. We want to transmit as many practical skills as possible to the participants and together spread the mission of the project beyond.

The task for the young people within the project will be to learn and share skills in order to deliver workshops and projects about sustainability in their local communities. Not only they will learn and share loads of know- how about DIY, zero waste and sustainable fashion as well as practical skills, but they will also learn and improve their skills to spread the ideas as youth workers.


  • To learn and share information about current environmental tendencies in different countries, understand the impact of human daily action on nature environment and share among the youth workers as much know-how possible about the topic of sustainability.

  •  To share with the youth workers some skills related to living sustainably and provide them with inspiration through activities and good practices that are easy to achieve by individuals and which they can hand over in their organizations and localities.


  • To raise awareness about the topic of sustainable living within the public by creating local workshops and medialize them.


  • Theoretical  part:  The  youth  workers  will  discuss  environmental challenges and different questions regarding sustainability. They will think of their local policies towards sustainability and see how the topic is seen in different countries. They will prepare a presentation about sustainability challenges in their localities and share it with others.

  • Practical part: After we share the know-how and information, we move onto practice – the youth workers will go through practical workshops about sustainability, such as DIY’s, zero waste and sustainable fashion.

  • Medialization and spreading the outcomes: Let’s see what we can do to spread the word! We want to make the most of what we learn together during  the  project.  Therefore  the  youth  workers  will  help  fulfilling  the promotion plan of the project not only before and during the training but also after.  They  will  be  responsible  to  organize  a  workshop/project  within  3 months following the training to help spread the learning outcomes and ideas  of  the  project  and  put  in  practice  what  they  learned  during  the training.


  1. Interested in sustainability (ideally has some experience to share)
  2. Wants to organize project with the topic of sustainability in the future and looks for inspiration and leading (as an individual or for an organization)
  3. Wants to  improve  workshops  and  projects  about  sustainability  he  is already delivering
  4. Will pro-actively help fulfilling the promotion plan of the project
  5. Has a level of English that permits him to fully involved in the project and take part in discussion


All the costs including food, accommodation and activities is covered by the organizers. However, there are limits for the travel costs reimbursement following the general rules of Erasmus+ programme:

  • Czech Republic: 0-170
  • Serbia, Belarus, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina: 275€
  • Portugal, Armenia: 360€

The travel costs reimbursements are going to be made after the project. In case of exceeding the limit on travel costs, the participant needs to cover the difference themselves.



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