Open call for Training Course "ACT TO UNDERSTAND IT" in Belgrade, Serbia

  • Name of the project: ”ACT TO UNDERSTAND IT”


  • Date of Project: 4.08.2022. – 13.08.2022.


  • Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”


  • Place: Belgrade, Serbia


  • Participants age: +18


  • The number of participants: 3


  • Working language: English


  • Deadline for applying: 2.07.2022.

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food.

The Purpose of The Training course

For many people, the word “simulation” brings to mind training programs used by pilots, doctors and nurses, to prepare for the real thing. But roleplay simulations are different, because they involve actively stepping into someone else’s shoes and gaining understanding through that experience. Roleplay simulations are likewise similar to LARP’s (Live Action Role Plays), but in general lean more toward present day, real-world scenarios and anticipate more specific problem solving and learning outcomes. The most well known example of a roleplay simulation is perhaps the “Model United Nations”. Over a period of several days, participants in a Model UN course remain in their chosen/assigned role, even outside of sessions. In this way they gain first hand experience of decision-making processes, as well as gain an understanding of the role of UN representatives and the challenges they face. In more recent times, EU specific “models” have also arisen, and there now exists a great variation held annually or on a smaller scale around the world.

The Model UN/EU is just one popular example of how the roleplay simulation method can be used, and its uses need not be political or even so formal at all. But equal to all roleplay simulations is that they need to be well executed, in order to be effective. The longer and more detailed simulations are, and the larger the groups involved become, the greater a set of skills is needed for a facilitator to be able to stay on top of events. Although there are many aspects to designing, planning and executing roleplay simulations successfully, we want to take the first few steps with this training, where we will focus on the role playing dimension in particular.


  • To become better at facilitating large groups of youth with different national and cultural backgrounds
  • To learn how to inspire a group of people to be active in a roleplay simulation
  • To learn to implement civic and socially oriented theater methods and facilitate effective and innovative drama techniques
  • To learn how to set up a framework for optimal performance in a simulation.
  • To make roleplay simulations a staple method in each partner organizations youth work strategy


Participants should be youth workers or youth leaders (Minimum 18 years old) who have an interest in learning about working with roleplay and narrative development as it relates to the Roleplay Simulation learning method.

A Roleplay Simulation is a method that can be used with any kind of topic, and therefore participants will not be chosen on the basis of what they are working with in their daily lives. We do however see it as a strength to have as wide a representation as possible, in order to share more specialized perspectives, and will therefore make our selection to reflect such a diversity. We also would like you to create the teams keeping in mind gender balance (as much as possible).

We also see it as a must that participants have an openness for participating in intercultural youth work settings and are interested in building more long term partnerships around simulation learning activities (fx future training and youth exchanges). Indeed, we see this training activity as just the beginning steps.

Finally, the selected participants should be motivated to transfer the gained experience from the training to their organizations and community. Act To Understand It does not end upon leaving Serbia, but is dependent on participants also hosting a dissemination activity in their home countries/local areas afterwards (more details later).


The program itself consists of 8 full days of non-formal training exercises, workshops, roleplay/theater activities and of course simulations. Most days are made up of 4 session blocks, two after breakfast, two after lunch. In most evenings, however, there will also be some form of a committed activity, including several intercultural nights where partner organizations also will be presented more in depth. The program will culminate in a visibility event, showcasing what we have accomplished during the week together.


Travel costs are calculated according to Erasmus + conditions (using the EU distance calculator):


PLEASE NOTE WE NEED ALL THE ORIGINAL INVOICES, BOARDING PASSES & TICKETS TO MAKE THE REFUND! The participants should arrive to Belgrade, Serbia on 04.08 and depart on 13.08.2022. We are starting with dinner on 04th and finishing on 13th with breakfast. We kindly remind you that early accommodation outside of the listed project dates will be on your own expense and responsibility. Traveling & FINANCIAL CONDITIONS NOTE: The reimbursement will only happen after dissemination of project outcomes in your country.


Accommodation and food – 3 meals a day and coffee breaks – are 100% covered by Erasmus + Program. Extra drinks/snacks are on your own account.

Our hotel is located in the suburbs of Belgrade, in a quieter part of city and is very well connected with local bus lines. Hotel Elegance has an accommodation capacity of 54 rooms, of which 32 double rooms. Hotel has a lounge bar, conference hall and a board room. Full wifi access.


In Serbia, there are no more restrictions. However, keep an eye on the situation and restrictions in your own country and especially on what are the rules upon returning home. If the situation in Serbia changes, we will post new information in the facebook group.


Select participants according to the outlined criteria in this infopack

Search for your ticket to Serbia, make sure they are the cheapest option. Things to prepare before the training:

  • An energizer game
  • A presentation of your sending organization
  • A presentation of your country through traditional food and culture.


Things to do now Important: Before buying the tickets, send the details to and await our confirmation.


  • Medication, toiletries and other personal items.
  • Standard seminar equipment
  • Casual, comfortable clothes
  • Passport / ID Please, make sure that you have all the papers when you come. The return tickets may be sent after the project.
  • Airplane tickets
  • Flight tickets (with the name of the passenger and flight details/invoice of flight- printed).
  • All boarding passes – printed
  • Other transport documentation
  • European health card (it is free)


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