• Name of the project:  Training Course ‘’ STRIVING FOR GENDER EQUALITY THROUGH YOUTH WORK’’


  • Date of Project: 29.03. – 06.04.2023.


  • Hosting organization: ‘’Armenian Progressive Youth NGO’’


  • Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”


  • Place:  Dilijan, Armenia


  • Participants age: 18+


  • The number of participants: 2


  • Working language: English


  • Deadline for applying: 30.01.2023.

This project is supported and co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme. It means that your travel costs, accommodation, and food will be fully covered if you get selected for the project. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission nor EACEA can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



The project “STRIVE – Striving for Gender Equality Through Youth Work” aims to develop and improve the knowledge and understanding of youth workers involved in the project on various gender-related concepts, and analyze traditions, roles and perceptions of gender in different European countries and societies. Through the project, partner organizations would like to tackle gender issues and look for solutions that can be adapted to their organizations as well as societies and daily lives.

The Training Course will involve 35 youth workers. It will be targeting youth workers and youth leaders based in the countries of the European Union (the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and Spain) and the Neighboring countries (Armenia, Albania, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine)



The project pursues the following objectives:

  1. Exchanging experiences, best practices and knowledge between youth workers and youth organizations on gender mainstreaming and women empowerment;
  2. Developing participant’s knowledge and understanding of various concepts related to gender and emphasizing the importance of gender equality in youth work;
  3. Providing space for learning about gender issues by sharing and comparing the realities in the European Union and the Neighboring Partner countries;
  4. Promoting gender sensitivity in youth work and gender-sensitive approach in the participating organizations;
  5. Facilitating networking among participants and promoting development of joint projects under Erasmus+ promoting gender equality;
  6. Developing quality support systems for youth activities and capacities of youth organizations to develop partnerships.


  • The Training Course targets youth workers to equip them with competence and knowledge on gender issues. During a one-week long training course the youth workers will have a chance to get acquainted with new methods and approaches to work with young people on the topic of gender equality. As a result of a training course, the participants will get back to their countries and will start the implementation process of the follow-up events.

    The Training Course will involve 35 youth workers. It will be targeting youth workers and youth leaders based in the countries of the European Union (the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and Spain) and the Neighboring countries (Armenia, Albania, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine).



APY is a non-profit, non-political organization aiming to support, inspire and engage young people from Armenia and all over the world to develop their social leadership skills, to take their civic responsibility and to act as change-makers. Through our projects, initiatives and non-formal education tools we help young people to succeed, ensuring that they develop their knowledge, skills, attitudes and competences to fit to the modern world. Our organization believes that progressive, educated, skillful, open-minded and engaged young people possess all the power to become actors of change in Armenia and beyond. Because youth is not only the future, but the present!




During the Training Course, the participants will be accommodated in Dilijan, Armenia.


The website of the hotel:


Located in Haghartsin, Vanatun Monastery Stay has a restaurant, garden and terrace. At the hotel, the rooms include a wardrobe. Featuring a private bathroom with a shower and free toiletries. During the activity, food will be prepared by experienced cooks, provided at the venue. Three meals and two coffee breaks per day will be provided. The participants will share the bedroom with 2-3 people and there will be a private bathroom in each room (for 4 people in total).


The Training Course will take place from March 29 to April 06, 2023, in Dilijan, Armenia. The 29th of March is Arrival Day. The 6th of April is Departure Day. While planning your trip to Armenia, you are recommended to reach Yerevan through Yerevan Internation Airport (Zvartnots). The pick-up to Dilijan will be organized by shuttles from Yerevan.


Bosnia and Herzegovina – 360€ per participant

How to apply?

  1. Complete the BRAVO- APPLICATION FORM with in English title as following ”name of the project you are applying for” until 23:59 on deadline day.
  2. Deadline for applying: 30.01.2023.
  3. Selection results: 04.02.2023.
  5. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at:
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