Open call for Training Course “The futuRe is grEEn”

  • Name of the project: “The futuRe is grEEn”

  • Date of Project: 30.06.2021 – 07.07.2021.

  • Hosting organization: “MV International”

  • Sending organizations: 
    “BRAVO“ – BiH
    “Socialinis efektas” – Lithuania
    “KINITRO” – Greece
    “INTERCAMBIA” – Spain

  • Place: Stintino, Italy

  • Participants age: 18 – 30

  • The number of participants: 5 per country

  • Working language: English

  • Open call for participants from: LITHUANIA, GREECE, SPAIN, ITALY, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA

  • Deadline for applying:  25.05.2021.

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food. 


The European Green Deal is about improving the well-being of people. Making Europe climate-neutral and protecting our natural habitat will be good for people, planet and economy. No one will be left behind.
“The European Green Deal is our new growth strategy. It will help us cut emissions while creating jobs.” Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission “We propose a green and inclusive transition to help improve people’s well-being and secure a healthy planet for generations to come.” Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission.

Goals of the project:

– Promote the European Green Deal
– Increase active citizenship between young people
– Raise awareness and sensitivity to the environment changing and possible scenarios;
– Spread knowledge and understanding of the environment quality and links with quality of life;
– Develop skills on recognition of environment issues and classification;
– Participate in activities that lead to analyze the problem and find practical solutions.
– Introduce young people to new sustainable approaches towards Climate change

A training course (TC) will be implemented and the countries involved in the activities are Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, Lithuania, Greece. 

The purpose of the training course “Green for the Win” is:

– To educate young people regarding climate change, global warming and sustainability;
– To stimulate participants’ sense of initiative aimed at raising awareness on the topic and educate youngsters as regards
environmental issues;
– To promote the NFE methodologies/tools;
– To create the “Green for the Win Toolguide” Toolkit of NFE tools that were used and created during this mobility.

During the TC, all national teams will create short videos (no longer than 3 minutes), will set up and start a Social Campaign, that will be later part of the workshops they will implement in their home towns.

TREE is based on the specific objectives pursued by the Erasmus+ Programme in the Youth Field:

– improve the level of key competences and skills of young people, including those with fewer opportunities, as well as to
promote participation in democratic life in Europe and the labor market, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social
inclusion, and solidarity.

– foster quality improvements in youth work, in particular through enhanced cooperation between organizations in the youth field and/or other stakeholders.


The first 2 days will be used for introduction of the participants, their sending organisation, the hosting organisation and the Erasmus+ Programme. The next days the participants will have the chance to join activities that use Non Formal Education methodology in order to learn more with the topic of the TC. The last day there will be the official closing of the project and the Youthpass Ceremony.

During the mobility 2 intercultural night will take place so the participants get the chance to know more about the coulture of their fellow participants. The participants will be introduced to the European Green Deal and they will talk about the situation in their own countries, about what causes the climate change and what they would do as a team that represents their country.

With the help of the trainer they will learn about sustainable approaches in everyday life towards climate change and they will be involved in some climate change games in order to understand better how climate change is working and affecting our everyday lives. With this experience the participants will become more aware about the consequences of being an environmentally irresponsible person and what they should do to change that. During the TC they will also have the change to brainstorm in small teams, create and present to the rest of the participants a workshop on the topic that they would like to implement after the mobility once they are back in their hometown. The participants will have the
time to express their expectations of the TC and the chance to create a social campaign on the topic of the project. Also will be introduced to other cultures during the Intercultural nights.

Youthpass Certificate: Every participant will receive a Youthpass certificate at the end of the project. Youthpass is a tool to document and recognise learning outcomes from youth work activities. It is available for projects funded by Erasmus+ as a part of the European Commission’s strategy to foster the recognition of non-formal learning, putting policy into practice and practice into policy. 

Intercultural Night: In order for us to get to know each other better and, most of all, to discover more about our different countries, we will set up an intercultural night to celebrate our diversity. There you will share with the group interesting things about your country, please don’t forget to bring your flag and other things that may allow us to see, listen or taste your culture. We are talking about food, music, dancing, drinks, images, videos, maps, etc. that may allow us to find out more about your country. You can prepare the activity names, thematic parties in which you will present your country (if needed, you can use the projector).

Practical Arrangements (Food, Travel and Accommodation):

According to the rules within the Programme “Erasmus+” we will reimburse the travel costs on the basis of the cheapest possibilities, e.g. second class railway tickets, accompanied by the receipt of complete and original tickets, invoices, bills, receipts, boarding cards etc. upon a certain “contribution to the travel costs of participants, from their place of origin to the venue of the activity and return”. This contribution is based on the travel distance per participant.

Above you can find the maximum contribution to travel costs for ONE participant per country from the city of registration of the organisation to the venue and back. Travel Costs will be reimbursed upon presented all original travel documents and invoices after completion of each activity. 

Arrival/departure dates should be maximum one day prior/after the start of the event.-For flight tickets search is recommended to Do not book any tickets before confirming your travel plan with our team!If you book tickets that haven’t been confirmed by our team we are not going to reimburse the expenses you made!

Other relevant information:

Usually, shops close at lunchtime (around 13:00/13:30) and reopen in the afternoon (between 16:00 and 17:00) and close around 20:00 or 20:30. Some shops or supermarkets do not do the lunch break.

If you order a latte at the bar, they will bring you a simple glass of white milk. The tip at the restaurant is not mandatory; it is at the discretion of the client because the service is already included in the meals’ price. In a restaurant, you will pay the coperto. It is a cost you pay for the occupation of the table (setting of the table, use of the cutlery, bread, and cleaning of the table). When you are at the restaurant, ask for the bill and they will bring it to your table.

Lunch: approximately from 12:30 to 15:00.
Dinner: approximately from 19:30 to 22:30.

Breakfast: typical Italian breakfast is sweet, usually with milk and coffee and a croissant.


MV International (MVI) is a network of European NGOs aimed at promoting participatory planning between NGOs promoting the exchange of knowledge among professionals in the field of EU project management.
MV International organizes and promotes all activities that can increase knowledge, mutual understanding and cooperation among young people in Europe.

Main activities:

1) Support the work of organization members while promoting wider exchange of information, ideas and experiences among themselves through publications and training courses to be carried out within the European network with EU funds;
2)Coordinate activities of the member organizations and promote direct cooperation between individuals on issues of mutual interest through the European working groups
3) Cooperate on the creation of higher quality projects, the exchange of best practices and the dissemination of the outcomes of the projects implemented within the platform;
4) Involve more young people.

Main themes:

Human Rights;
Intercultural Dialogue;
Sport as an agent inclusive;
Environmental Issues and Green Skills.

How to apply?

  1. Complete the BRAVO- APPLICATION FORM in English title as following ”name of the project you are applying for” until 23:59 on deadline day

  2. Deadline for applying: 25.05.2021.


  4. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at:

If you have any questions feel free to contact BRAVO TEAM

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