„Economic (de)growth“ after-training meeting





The after-training meeting was held on the 25th of August in BM Hotel in Sarajevo. Guests from Germany, Turkey, and Bosnia and Herzegovina along with BRAVO representatives were present during the meeting held by three training participants from the Bosnian team.

Last week, participants from 3 organizations, Jugendhilfe und Sozialarbeit e.V. from Germany, Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Akdeniz Egitim ve Istihdam Dernegi from Turkey, had an opportunity to hear exciting stories from Poland. Three girls from Bosnia and Herzegovina shared their fun stories from the youth training course „Economic (de)growth“ conducted between 9th and 16th of August in Wisla, Poland.


The after-training meeting was held on the 25th of August in BM Hotel in Sarajevo. Guests from Germany, Turkey, and Bosnia and Herzegovina along with BRAVO representatives were present during the meeting held by three training participants from the Bosnian team.


The representatives from Bosnia presented about new Erasmus+ program and opportunities that youth can benefit from such as youth exchanges, trainings, and ESC. Also, they presented the BRAVO organization which has so much to offer to both local and international youth with many activities, volunteering, educational and international projects. 

Finally, they had time to present the concept of “Economic (de)growth” that they talked about in their training in Poland. Economic (de)growth is a concept that is quite discussed in economics and politics regarding new economic models that take sustainability and global issues into account. The world has many global issues to be solved such as poverty, global warming, inequality, wars, and economic crisis. However, unsustainable consumption and production may deepen the global crisis especially if the natural boundaries of our planet are crossed. Thus, they discussed the global issues and situations in different countries with the participants. Also, they shared some of their ideas and activities that were conducted in Poland regarding economic (de)growth.


The participants of this meeting learned a lot about global problems and sustainability and the ways the youth can make a change in the world.

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