XXI Adults

XXI Adults

The project aims to revitalize adult education by aligning it with the needs of the 21st-century adult learners. It focuses on updating the training offerings of adult education centers, equipping them with the necessary digital competencies, and fostering a sense of European identity through active participation in European educational programs.

Activities Planned:

- Design and validate a questionnaire to understand current educational practices and identify areas for improvement.
- Compile a guide that incorporates good practices and innovative methodologies for adult education.
- Develop and launch an interactive platform that integrates all educational content, making it accessible to educators and learners alike.
- Implement the training guide and online platform in selected educational centers to evaluate their effectiveness.
- Organize events to promote the project outcomes and share best practices across Europe.

Expected Impact: By modernizing educational methodologies and tools, the project will enhance the digital competencies of adult educators and learners, thereby increasing their engagement in lifelong learning and improving their integration into the digital world. This initiative is expected to have a significant positive impact on adult education across Europe, promoting social inclusion and employability.
XXI Adults – Second Online Meeting

XXI Adults – Second Online Meeting

At BRAVO, we are proud to be at the forefront of this transformation through the Erasmus+ project, XXI Adults. In collaboration with our partners, we are working to modernize teaching methods, close the digital divide, and expand opportunities for lifelong learning.

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