We are 7 organisations from Belgium, Spain, Croatia, B&H, Kosovo and Albania, gathered around the project called ˝Empowering Human Dignity of EU & WB youth˝, that will in the next 3 years provide more than 500 European and Western Balkan youth with the opportunities to understand human dignity, open dialogues on culture and EU values and develop soft skills on the topic of youth leadership through the implementation of 6 sets of the 5 activities.

We identified the necessary activities for adapting and scaling up the virtual exchange practices in the new context of this project partnership.

Our main objective is to provide the opportunity for more than 500 youth from 18-30 years old from Belgium, Spain, Croatia, B&H, Kosovo and Albania, giving the priority to the socially and economically vulnerable people and persons unable to apply for physical mobility, to meet in the intercultural and international surrounding of 6 sets of 5 activities through 2023 – 2025. We will implement the following activities:

1. Academy for youth leaders & youth workers – Online workshops on soft skills development in the field of youth leadership
2. Certified Training program sessions – Online discussion groups on the topics of Human Dignity and EU values
3. Hybrid projects – Online participation for youth from 6 countries to already existing youth in person projects of all 7 partners
4. Critical thinking and media literacy sessions – online trainings for youth
5. Intercultural talks - online cultural events for youth

Above all, following the implementation of the mentioned activities, we will develop Manual for New forms of non-formal online learning in intercultural surroundings, as intellectual output of the project, that will gather our experience from this project.
Druga zimska akademija s BRAVOm

Druga zimska akademija s BRAVOm

BRAVO organizira Drugu zimsku akademiju koja će se održati online. Druga zimska akademija predstavlja savršenu priliku za mlade da postanu dio velike priče, a najbolje je što u njoj možete sudjelovati iz udobnosti svog doma! Glavni cilj Zimske akademije je da mladima pruži priliku da usavrše različite vještine i uključe se u interkulturalni dijalog.

WYA Europa zajedno sa partnerima iz 5 zemalja započela sa implementacijom projekta virtualne razmjene 

WYA Europa zajedno sa partnerima iz 5 zemalja započela sa implementacijom projekta virtualne razmjene 

Dec 20, 2023 – World Youth Alliance Europa je u junu 2023., započela sa implementacijom projekt virtualne razmjene. U suradnji sa partnerima iz 5 zemalja, projekat će uključivati niz aktivnosti koje će se sprovoditi kroz naredne 3 godine, počevši od 1-og jula 2023 do 30-og juna 2026. kicks off its Virtual Exchange Project. Naziv projekta je “Osnaživanje ljudskog dostojanstva mladih Europske Unije i Zapadnog Balkana”

WYA Europa bila je domaćin Emerging Leaders Conference 2023

WYA Europa bila je domaćin Emerging Leaders Conference 2023

WYA Europa (Svjetska Alijansa Mladih Europa) bila je domaćin Emerging Leaders Conference 2023 (Konferencije Mladih Lidera 2023) sa snažnom delegacijom. U saradnji sa kancelarijom Jugoistočne Evrope, događaj je održan u Zagrebu, Hrvatska, pod temom Evropski Konsenzus o Humanitarnoj Pomoći. Za prvu sesiju, panel diskusiju je vodila Aleksandra Markić Boban

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