The starting point of the cooperation are the Paris Olympic games as they would ensure maximum international, European and local visibility and participation. From then, a dynamic encompassing the other participating cities, all with other major European actuality at the moment, will be developed.
Another peculiarity of this initiative is that it will be mostly implemented through youth civic engagement and European mobility. All actions will mobilize indeed mixed teams of full time, long term, stipended volunteers (what is called civic service projects), both national and European, mixed together in joint teams. Not only will they be leading the implementation of projects, under the coordination of partners, but also exchange together, as their involvement will be articulated around a two step program, first in their domestic territory, then in one of the other partners in another country.
This fits perfectly our general aim to strengthen cultural exchanges, the European spirit of belonging, the knowledge of oneself and others, the adaptation to a new culture, through active European civic engagement, a strong congruence with the three milestones of our cooperation: local environmental and Human rights volunteerings, preparations of EU elections 2024, and Olympic spirit of cooperation and peace through efforts

Open call for 6 participants for Youth Exchange in Sarajevo, B&H
This project seeks to create citizen mobilization and inter-European links through participatory activities to develop relations between truly cosmopolitan cities and European capitals, enjoying the worldwide impact of the Olympic Games and other major visibility milestones, to promote European values and engage citizens in the life of their territory through sport, culture and youth engagement. The relevance of the project is based on important cultural rapprochements between Paris, Sarajevo, Timisoara, Valencia and Gdansk concerning the enrichment of European youth, volunteering, culture, sport, and environmental matters that allow to develop a positive cooperation between the citizens.

Testimonials – “International Youth Peace Forum“ in Paris, France
“Taking part in the Youth Peace Forum was quite refreshing as I met young changemakers from all parts of the world. Even though we all come from different backgrounds we were united with one main idea: to promote peace and harmony.”

Join the Movement “Connectowns2U”: Signing of Contracts with 15 Scholars
We are excited to celebrate the signing of contracts with 15 exceptional scholarship holders. These young, motivated individuals from across Europe have been chosen to lead and participate in a series of events and activities designed to embody the European spirit of cooperation and peace. Our scholarship holders will play a pivotal role in this initiative.

Rezultati selekcije za stipendije povodom obilježavanja 40. godišnjice Zimskih Olimpijskih Igara 1984. u Sarajevu
Sa velikim uzbuđenjem i ponosom objavljujemo rezultate selekcije u sklopu projekta ‘’Connectowns2U’’ s ciljem obilježavanja 40 godina od održavanja Zimskih Olimpijskih Igara 1984. u Sarajevu. Stipendije su dodijeljene motivisanim i angažovanim mladima koji žele doprinijeti ovom značajnom događaju.

Otvoren poziv za 10 stipendija u čast 40. godišnjice Zimskih Olimpijskih Igara 1984. u Sarajevu kroz projekat Connectowns2U
Sa velikim uzbuđenjem i ponosom objavljujemo otvaranje konkursa za dodjelu 10 stipendija mladim ljudima iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Ovaj poziv dolazi u sklopu projekta #Connectowns2U” koji ima za cilj proslavu i obilježavanje 40 godina od održavanja Zimskih Olimpijskih Igara 1984. u Sarajevu. Stipendije su namijenjene motiviranim i angažovanim mladima koji žele doprinijeti ovom značajnom događaju.