Testimonials: Dancing Our Roots in Cortes de la Frontera, Spain

“Under the sunny rays of Andalusia, embraced by mountain peaks and warmth, the world was found in our small village. The wind, saturated with the scents of olives and ancient legends, carried inspiration and unspoken words. Walking through the narrow streets of the village of Cortes de la Frontera, with white houses gently blending into the blue sky, we absorbed every moment.”

Testimonials: Dancing Our Roots in Cortes de la Frontera, Spain Read More »

Selection Results for Youth Exchange “Can Anyone Hear My Voice?” in Elazığ, Türkiye

Disasters in the realities of the world affect nations and countries from various perspectives. We encounter many different disasters in our living spaces, impacting societies psychologically, socially, economically, and socioculturally. In addition to natural disasters, societies face various human-made disasters, such as those caused by nuclear, biological, and industrial accidents, as well as issues involving immigrants, displaced people, and wars.

Selection Results for Youth Exchange “Can Anyone Hear My Voice?” in Elazığ, Türkiye Read More »

Open Call for 5 participants for Training Course in Balatonszárszó, Hungary

Considering the significant impact that climate change has on the future of the next generations, environmental education should be a priority in youth work worldwide. Beyond gaining knowledge about the environment, recycling, and individual ecological footprints, it is crucial to address the emotional consequences of climate change and focus on real-life solutions.

Open Call for 5 participants for Training Course in Balatonszárszó, Hungary Read More »

Testimonials: ICE-CREAM for social entrepreneurship in Abovyan, Armenia

“Every Erasmus+ project is a unique and memorable experience. Through BRAVO BiH I had the ecstatic opportunity to participate in the training course “ICE-CREAM for social entrepreneurship” in Abovyan, Armenia. Upon acknowledging my acceptance into the training course, I was filled with eager enthusiasm for its commencement; only to watch as time rapidly slipped away once the journey had begun.”

Testimonials: ICE-CREAM for social entrepreneurship in Abovyan, Armenia Read More »

Open Call for 7 participants for Youth Exchange in Elazığ, Türkiye

Disasters in the realities of the world affect nations and countries from various perspectives. We encounter many different disasters at every point in our living space, impacting societies psychologically, socially, economically, and socioculturally. In addition to natural disasters, societies also face various human-made disasters caused by nuclear, biological, and industrial accidents, as well as issues involving immigrants, displaced people, and wars. The importance and diversity of disasters vary by country.

Open Call for 7 participants for Youth Exchange in Elazığ, Türkiye Read More »

Selection Results for Training Course “Digital Communication Strategies” in Podgorica, Montenegro

The general objective of the project is to increase the employability of women between 18 and 30 years old from rural backgrounds, through the acquisition of digital communication skills, to be employed in the field of non-profit organizations. The consortium, after a careful analysis of needs carried out with the participation of stakeholders, has identified specific objectives functional to the achievement of the general purpose.

Selection Results for Training Course “Digital Communication Strategies” in Podgorica, Montenegro Read More »

Open Call for 4 Participants for Training Course in Dilijan, Armenia

“The project includes an introductory training course on Living Library Methodology, followed by three months for participants to design and implement events in their communities. It culminates in a final evaluation meeting to reflect on experiences and lessons learned. The training involves 36 youth workers from the European Union (Netherlands, Greece, Portugal, and Romania) and neighboring countries (Armenia, Türkiye, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Palestine), engaging them in discussions, presentations, and field visits to develop their skills in organizing Living Library events.”

Open Call for 4 Participants for Training Course in Dilijan, Armenia Read More »

Testimonials: Media Literacy and Tackling Disinformation in Istanbul, Türkiye

“I am very thankful to BRAVO for giving me an opportunity to learn about the importance of media literacy, its role and effects on society. In this project, we learned how to recognize misinformation from disinformation, fake news from truthful ones and how to find reliable sources. The knowledge I gained throughout this project will help me in the future to identify deceitful news.”

Testimonials: Media Literacy and Tackling Disinformation in Istanbul, Türkiye Read More »

Testimonials: Eco Path in Veliki Gaj, Serbia

“The Youth Exchange “Eco Path” held from July 2-10 in Serbia was a completely new and wonderful experience for me. The days were filled with a lot of new knowledge, creative workshops, laughter, and reconnecting with nature. I had the opportunity to meet people from other countries, of different ages and mindsets and unite all our ideas into one unforgettable experience. I realized that every change starts with small steps and that little by little, we can make this world a more beautiful place.”

Testimonials: Eco Path in Veliki Gaj, Serbia Read More »

Selection Results for Training of Trainers “ENGAGE, CONNECT AND EMPOWER YOUTH FOR A SUSTAINABLE GREEN FUTURE” in Vlore, Albania

Training of Trainers (ToT) in Vlorë, Albania: aims to enhance capacity building in the field of youth, benefiting non-formal learning providers, staff, youth, and key stakeholders, promoting climate change awareness, environmental digitalization, climate-oriented technologies, innovation, research, and partnerships to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Selection Results for Training of Trainers “ENGAGE, CONNECT AND EMPOWER YOUTH FOR A SUSTAINABLE GREEN FUTURE” in Vlore, Albania Read More »

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