#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Youth Exchange in Leipzig, Germany

This Youth Exchange was an amazing experience which I will remember forever. Our project was in Leipzig, but we visited Colone and Frankfurt as well and had an amazing time. We had workshops held in the most beutiful locations, like the city library, which introduced us to podcasting and interviewing. We talked about social media and media literacy with participants from each country presenting the situation in their homeland. People from 7 different countries were always together having a great time, exploring the city and learning. We had many different lecturers teaching us and presenting the work of their organizations. Besides working and learning, we had a picnic and a bbq in a park where we played games and sports, as well as a trip to a lake where we were swimming and had a picnic. I met amazing people who became my friends and I cannot wait to see them again somewhere.

The project Digitalized Identities was truly an inspiring experience that left an everlasting mark on me; it changed my worldview, and allowed me to connect with many extraordinary people in such a unique way. The organizers, Lucy and Togi, did an amazing job in helping us understand each other, and our cultures, as well as German culture overall. They created a safe space for all of us in which we were pushed to further explore our own identities, and turn a couple of two-day-long acquaintanceships into true friendships. This experience has definitely motivated to take part in future Erasmus+ projects, and explore the world and different cultures in general; it also gave me an opportunity to better my English and German language knowledge, and to realize how easy it is to overcome the language barrier with the right spirit.

The youth exchange that took place in Leipzig, Germany was a wonderful experience for me. By traveling to Leipzig I got to experience and see beautiful German cities Cologne, Frankfurt, and Leipzig. Workshops were really fun and engaging, everyone got to participate. Media literacy is an interesting topic to hear about and it's useful to everyone nowadays. The most interesting workshop's to me were the ones called "Me, Myself and I? Generation Selfie" and "Are we turning into Smartphone Zombies?". I liked that "Are we turning into Smartphone Zombies?" was held at Stadtbibliothek (City Library) which was really beautiful and interesting. Meeting people from around the world, participating in workshops, and traveling were all wonderful experiences.

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