#BRAVOONTHEROAD: Youth Exchange in Budapest, Hungary

We had amazing youth attending #YouthExchange in Budapest and we are proud to say that they #MAKETHEWORLDWONDER. But what do they have to say about this amazing experience?

“10 days in Budapest? In the very center of this stunning capital of Hungary with participants from 9 different counties? At first it sounded like a dream, then after the road had been traveled and we have lived through it- I can only say that the dream has nothing on reality. It was way better then I could ever imagine! Being on the road with my fantastic, young and dear colleagues to Budapest via Zagreb and train (felt little bit like we’re in a Harry Potter movie ) was so much fun and then when we arrived, I was greeted with so much affection and enthusiasm from the organizators that it felt like a little family from the very first night there. Loved every second of it. Entire project was superlovely and educational in a light and fun way, we had so much fun on the workshops and still we manage to use every single break to explore this stunning city and to visit as much as we can. 

Of course, every now and then we had to take a break from all this fun workshops and sightseing and had coffee in the most amazing locations possible. From intercultural nights, intercultural breakfasts, roomates coming from a different counties- we had a pleasure to expand our horizonts and get familiar with so many new people and learn so much about them. In the end that made us all richer and created an unforgettable experience. I’m so thankful to BRAVO for the given opportunity and to my amazing Bosnian team who made this 10 days a living dream!” -Tea Stapić


“What was ten-day youth exchange in Budapest for me? Well, just what one of the main goals of the Erasmus+ programme is: lots of learning! Being immersed in the group of young people coming from nine different countries made me better understand the human nature, cultural influence and finally, my own self.  Along with Hungarian classic sweets, postcards and cool photos, I have taken contacts of some amazing and quality people that I expanded my network with.  Now, richer by this extraordinary experience, I will always be happy to look back and remember the moments.“ – Ajna Veladžić

“Sure studying is great, but have you ever been to a 10 day youth exchange in Budapest? If not, you are missing out on one major source of information and experiences that widen your horizons. Meeting new cultures, learning through fun, and city sightseeing all while making friends from all around the world! This was my first erasmus+ youth exchange experience and I wish I began applying for these opportunities long time ago. Opportunities are out there, find them and make the most out of your year with youth exchange programs!“– Aiša Ćanić


“2 years ago I had a chance to travel to Budapest and it was amazing, but traveling with Erasmus+ and BRAVO brought this experience on such a new level… 9 different countries meant 9 different cultures and having a chance to experience that in 10 days was quite a remarkable. Each day we explored the city more and simultaneously dug deeper in the mutal relationships that formed. Friendships. Those beautiful connection we were not even aware that will be formed but will stay with us forever.” – Amina Hasović

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