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Following recent accomplishments related to the number of approved projects and ahead of deadlines, due to the shown interest, BRAVO Project Management Academy was held from 14th till 17th of January by its’s director and project manager, Ismail Šehić.


During this 3-day training, participants acquired a foundation in the field of project writing and further expanded their knowledge on the topic. 

By the end of the training, BRAVO gained one quality group of people that will apply the knowledge in the practice by taking part in writing processes. The training program itself was intensive which further, pushed the limits of each participant and made them work even harder as they unleashed their creativity and thought outside the box.

During the first day, participants were presented with the work schedule and started the mobility by learning more about the project and operation and what sets them apart. With a primary focus on the projects, they got to know more about their division and did a very familiar SWOT analysis and Johari Window model which not only helped them get a whole new perspective on the project writing process but also on life itself. In the following sessions, they went through project management terms which were detailed explained by the trainer as well as the phases of the project life cycle. At the end of the sessions, participants would test their knowledge as well as attention span with the quiz that summarized the presented material.

The trainer gave a special presentation on ‘’WYSOCKY MODEL’’ and shared the golden rules for successful project implementation. Furthermore, the trainer shared his own experience and mistakes to learn from.


On the last day, participants were given the duty to find a grant and appropriate open call, in accordance to which, they needed to form an idea and present it to the rest of the group. Based on various presentations, the group started the discussions thanks to which, ideas were gradually updated.


The Project Management Academy ended with a certificate division.


Therefore, we are extremely proud at the amazing group of individuals that took part in this academy and showed interest and willingness to work and grow professionally and the director of BRAVO, Ismail Šehić, that saw potential in these young people and on whose initiative, the Project Management Academy was held. The Project Management Academy was a great opportunity that left a positive impact on everyone included. Now that it has been brought to an end, the BRAVO team is enthusiastic about the work and upcoming deadlines, with which all of the mentioned ideas will hopefully, be realized.

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