Traveling and visiting one of the most beautiful countries would have been just a dream for many people three years ago. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many challenges have arisen, and people are still facing its consequences to this day. Despite this, our participants have been able to experience a youth exchange in Penagos, Spain, which has been like a dream after COVID-19.
This youth exchange serves as an amazing opportunity to connect young people from different countries. Through its activities, it is fostering a sense of solidarity, collaboration, and mutual support among young people, fully enabling them to engage in social entrepreneurship and contribute to their communities’ post-COVID recovery.
During the Youth Exchange, participants had the opportunity to open up about the challenges they have faced during the pandemic. They fostered one safe environment which enabled them to share stories and experiences which were far from comforting but still, served as a common bond. They not only shared the ways they overcame the challenges of the pandemic but also exchanged good practices that could be used in everyday life to enhance the overall quality.
During the project, the participants visited a small village where the locals were living an eco-friendly lifestyle and using organic products. The villagers shared their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and explained the motivation behind starting their businesses. The participants found this experience enriching as it deepened their knowledge and provided them with a wider perspective. They found a moment to focus on themselves fully connect with Mother Nature and observe its beauty.
Furthermore, participants had the opportunity to present BRAVO and the work we do to make the world wonder. They didn’t do it the usual way and they fully unleashed their activity and made everyone laugh with their presentation.
Throughout these 10 days, they have been making new memories, uncovering hidden gems in Spain, and getting their much-needed detox from their fast lives. They have gained a deeper understanding of the world and together contributed to their communities’ post-COVID recovery. Most importantly, they made connections that will last a lifetime and inspire positive change which will pave the way for a brighter and safer future.
In an ambitious effort to shape a resilient post-COVID world, PASOS (Spain), Oriel (Italy), BWNGO (Egypt), and BRAVO (Bosnia and Herzegovina) have joined forces to launch the DREAM AFTER COVID project. This initiative seeks to inspire and empower young entrepreneurs, bolstering their role in societal development and enhancing their civic engagement.
Project Aims
The primary goal of DREAM AFTER COVID is to nurture entrepreneurship among youth as a catalyst for inclusivity and active citizenship in the post-COVID era. Participants will engage in multifaceted learning, gaining skills in:
- Creating and managing socially sustainable projects
- Applying principles of democracy and innovation
- Harnessing collective intelligence and resilience
- Cultivating participative leadership
Objectives and Activities
1. Engaging Youth in Social Project Creation
- Training Course in Egypt: Five youth workers from each organization will delve into Dragon Dreaming principles and an Introduction to Innovation.
- Local Workshops: Course participants will transfer their newfound knowledge to young individuals in their communities.
- Online Mentoring: Participants will form five teams, each developing a social project with guidance from experienced mentors.
2. Connecting Youth Across Borders
- Interactive Brochure Creation: This digital compilation will feature Democracy Tools, entrepreneurship resources, and project details crafted by participants.
- Youth Exchange in Spain: Ten young individuals and a mentor from each organization will convene to share their projects and experiences.
3. Empowering Communities with Sustainable Practices
- Dissemination Campaign: Through conferences, social media, and website communications, the project’s successes will be shared, along with Internal Workshops to spread knowledge within communities.
The DREAM AFTER COVID project stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of collaborative effort in shaping a future where youth lead the charge in creating a more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable society. Stay tuned for updates and insights as we embark on this transformative journey together.