Gender equality is crucial for society, and both men and women must actively participate in its promotion. Men play a crucial role in fostering gender equality by ensuring equal opportunities, challenging stereotypes, supporting women’s rights, and being role models for future generations.

One of the most effective ways men can contribute to gender equality is by ensuring equal opportunities for women in education and employment. By challenging traditional gender roles that hinder women’s access to education or specific professions, men can pave the way for progress. Advocating for policies that promote equal pay, parental leave, flexible work arrangements, and other measures supporting women’s career advancement can help level the playing field.

Promoting positive masculinity is another valuable contribution men can make. Challenging harmful gender stereotypes that perpetuate inequality is essential. Rejecting the notion that masculinity equates to dominance or aggression towards women is pivotal. Instead, embracing qualities such as empathy, compassion, and respect towards all genders can create an inclusive society where everyone feels valued, regardless of their gender identity.

Supporting women’s rights is a fundamental aspect of advancing gender equality. Men can lend their voices to social and political movements that champion women’s rights, such as the #MeToo movement or the fight for reproductive rights. Using their privilege and influence to amplify women’s voices, particularly in male-dominated fields, can foster meaningful change.


Encouraging equal participation in household chores and child-rearing is another impactful way men can promote gender equality. By challenging traditional gender roles that burden women with primary responsibility for domestic work and childcare, men can create a more balanced and harmonious family life. Such an environment offers equal opportunities for all family members to pursue their goals and aspirations.


Men can also act as role models for younger generations by actively promoting gender equality in their personal and professional lives. Through their actions, men can exemplify that gender equality is not just an abstract concept but a practical reality with tangible benefits for everyone. By doing so, they inspire younger generations to embrace gender equality as a core value and strive towards its achievement.

Education plays a pivotal role in promoting gender equality, and men can actively engage in self-education and awareness. By reading books, attending workshops, and engaging in conversations with women, men can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges they face. This knowledge allows men to become more empathetic and informed allies, better equipped to promote gender equality in their daily lives.

Lastly, men can hold other men accountable for sexist behavior or language. Challenging friends or colleagues, when they make sexist jokes or engage in discriminatory behavior towards women, is crucial. By doing so, men contribute to creating a culture of respect and inclusivity where everyone feels safe, valued, and free from discrimination.


In conclusion, men play a vital role in promoting constructive gender equality. By providing equal opportunities, challenging gender stereotypes, supporting women’s rights, encouraging equal participation, acting as role models, engaging in education, and holding others accountable, men contribute to creating a fair and equitable society. Together, we can foster a future where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive and succeed, regardless of their gender.

More about "LEO" project

Women’s empowerment is a prerequisite for gender equality, according to the CoE Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2023. Even when girls demonstrate leadership abilities or hold positions of power, the world fails to make them feel good because the mind model that we have is gendered “male.” As a result, when girls adopt such a model, claiming that leaders are bold and make difficult decisions, they may experience cognitive Men outnumber women in leadership positions in every sector of the world, including business, nonprofits, government, education, medicine, the military, and religion  This gender gap, often referred to with the metaphor “glass ceiling”, represents one of the most critical challenges to achieve gender equity and allow equitable working opportunities to all genders


The project aims at enhancing women’s leadership, developing NFE resources for youth workers and young people, promoting men’s involvement in women’s empowerment, and strengthening the synergies between youth work and the labour market.


And specific call’s thematic areas: 


  1. inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities; 
  2. empowerment / engagement / employability of young people; 
  3. anti-discrimination and gender equality


 Overall, the LEO project efficiently contributes to the global effort to achieve gender equity and meets the EU Gender Equality Strategy Key Actions 2020-2025 (challenging gender stereotypes, boosting women’s economic empowerment, ensuring equal opportunities in the labour market). Moreover, the project addresses many of the general and specific call’s objectives, ensuring its quality and relevance.  

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