‘’Being part of Youth Exchange “Inter Civilizational Culinary Arts From Anatolia to Europe” was very charming. Almost the entire project felt like a part of a Masterchef TV show. In a completely intercultural environment, we had a chance to learn about traditional recipes, other cultures, and habits… and confirmed the thesis that FOOD CONNECTS PEOPLE!’’ – Azra Zahirović


‘’This program was unlike anything I’d attended before, and I am very thankful for the opportunity to have been a participant. The week-long experience was a journey out of our comfort zones, bringing together diverse participants from around the world to Istanbul. Exploring the culinary traditions engaged in a unique cross-cultural exchange, creating lasting memories and friendships. This project truly bridged continents through the universal language of food, leaving a wonderful mark on my personal and cultural perspective.’’ – Faris Rizvić

‘’The world is filled with countless cultures and traditions, and I was so thankful to learn more about them on the project “Inter-Civilizational Culinary Arts From Anatolia to Europe”. Experiencing the charming city of Istanbul with new friends from all around the world felt wonderful and what made this project truly special is the fact that we got to experience a part of someone’s home by tasting and sharing traditional meals made with love. I was eager to learn about other countries and their special culinary traditions, which hold a deep history, interesting origin, and certain ways of preparing. It felt amazing to talk about my country and culture alongside my team and friends from Bosnia and Herzegovina. This project was a perfect opportunity to prove that we must preserve cultures and traditions worldwide because they teach us many things and make our bonds closer. I am truly grateful I got to participate in this project and I am thankful to BRAVO and Erasmus+ for sending me to Istanbul, a city filled with rich history and culture, so that I can forever hold onto this vast knowledge and memories I made with excellent people.’’ – Marija Mišković

‘’Even with enough experience with Erasmus+ projects, each one of them carries its own story, ideas, spirit, atmosphere, and adventure. This one has been very different from what we are used to, considering the topic of the project isn’t connected with strictly social sciences, which are often sewn through politics or international relations and the differences between them. I am happy and proud to call myself a participant in this project, of such a beautiful story with a lot of special people and their stories from lovely countries (this was my first time sharing the project with Lithuania or Spain on an Erasmus project, and I feel more than fulfilled to get to know their cultures and traditions, yet the taste of their food). I am grateful for this opportunity, it made us bond on the first day of the project, and that is what I would love to highlight as the best thing about it. We felt like a professional in such an environment and kitchen, and thanks to our chefs we felt like part of the show! Thank you for making our youth more colorful and experienced in one more different but positive field; cooking can be fun!’’ – Ehlimana Alihodžić

‘’Every Erasmus+ project is a new story where we learn how to see every side of the presented story, every aspect, intercultural communication, differences and similarities, and the story of the people. This one was no exception as we experienced cuisine, Istanbul, and met amazing people from Lithuania, Spain, Norway, and Türkiye. Great experience!’’ – Fatima Gosto

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