“Participating in the Training course “From Rural to Plural” in Bran, Romania, was an enriching experience. We met a lot of interesting people from different countries, like Albania, Armenia, Czechia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Palestine, Türkiye, Ukraine and Romania. They represented their countries well and also showed us their cultures and habits. Meeting diverse individuals from around the world and exchanging knowledge was truly inspiring. The organization of the project was impeccable, allowing for seamless cultural exchanges and learning opportunities. Besides everything, we had the opportunity to learn more from the Youthpass, the Rural Youth Ecosystem to ERYS. We had so much fun learning and participating there. The atmosphere within the group was amazing and organizers made it even more better. They were kind and amazing people; they had everything prepared and they were there for us if we had any problems. The friendships formed during the project are cherished, and the digital skills acquired continue to be invaluable in daily life. I eagerly anticipate future opportunities to engage in similar projects, knowing they bring growth and meaningful connections. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this Training course and I am looking forward to joining similar projects. If I could go back in time, I would repeat it all over again”. – Sumeja Haračić

“After completing the “From Rural to Plural” Erasmus training course, I am immensely grateful for the transformative experience it provided. This program not only broadened my perspective on rural development but also equipped me with invaluable skills to navigate diverse communities and foster inclusivity. The collaborative environment and expert guidance truly made it a remarkable journey of growth and learning. I highly recommend this course to anyone seeking to make meaningful contributions to rural development and social cohesion. People make the project and the group here consisted out of young, perspective people eager to make positive changes in their communities. The collaborative environment and expert guidance truly made it a remarkable journey of growth and learning. From exploring innovative strategies for sustainable development to delving into the cultural heritage of rural communities, every aspect of the program was meticulously designed to empower us to drive positive change. Armed with newfound knowledge and a network of like-minded individuals, I am confident in my ability to contribute meaningfully to rural development initiatives and promote inclusivity in all aspects of society. I highly recommend this course to anyone seeking to make a tangible difference in the lives of rural populations and embrace the power of diversity in building a more equitable world.” – Iris Teftedarija

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