This project was really hard to leave. 


I remember that morning at Sarajevo airport, looking at the people around me and thinking: “Is it possible that I am going to become good friends with these people?” I saw them as strangers back than, but in just a few hours we were talking like we are old friends. We started our adventures and we already felt like a team. With all of the activities, we got to know the whole group and with cultural exchange, contemporary dance and team work, soon we became like a family. 


This project gave me an opportunity to meet some of the best people I know and make friends for a lifetime. This project made some of my favorite memories yet and it really changed me as a person. I learned a lot about my own emotions and how to recognize and except others. It showed me new way to express and deal with my emotions and gave me the chance to collect everything that is on my mind and make it into art.– Jelena Blagojević

My time in the Erasmus+ program “Make every step count“  in Italy was truly transformative. From savoring delicious Italian cuisine, like pizza, pasta, and cheese, to connecting with wonderful people from diverse countries. Every moment was truly enriching. I had the opportunity to learn bits of different languages and immerse myself in traditional cultural dances. The international day was particularly memorable, where we shared food and drinks that showcased our varied backgrounds. Despite the seemingly numerous differences, we found numerous similarities. The highlight for me was exploring the connection between emotions and body movement, and how our inner experiences are reflected in our behavior. The connection between body movement and emotions plays a vital role in self-discovery and personal growth. Engaging in physical expression allows individuals to tap into their feelings and experiences in a profound way. Movement can serve as a powerful outlet for emotions, enabling us to release stress, anxiety, or joy, often revealing insights about our inner selves that we may not consciously acknowledge. Through practices like dance, yoga, or even simple stretching, we become more attuned to how our bodies respond to various emotional states, fostering greater awareness and understanding of our emotional landscape.Moreover, exploring this connection can lead to enhanced emotional intelligence. As we learn to recognize and articulate our feelings through movement, we develop the ability to navigate our emotional responses more effectively in daily life. This self-awareness not only promotes mental well-being but also enriches our interpersonal relationships, allowing us to connect more authentically with others. The insight into the ladder of participation also opened my eyes to how youth can be influenced by leaders for their own goals, enhancing my critical thinking and understanding of group dynamics.


One of the most impactful experiences was creating a collective dance focused on “youth influence.” The process was initially a bit stressful, given that we were a large group with only two days to develop a choreography that reflected the generational clash in our perceptions of behavior, moral values, love, and discrimination. Despite the pressure, the challenge turned into a rewarding creative endeavor. Working together, we tapped into our diverse backgrounds and ideas, collaborating effectively to craft a performance that truly represented our collective voice. The experience not only strengthened our teamwork but also deepened our understanding of each other’s perspectives. As a token of our journey, we each wrote little notes on sticky notes to remind ourselves of the connections we forged and the insights we gained. Beyond the structured activities, the nights were filled with laughter and camaraderie, creating lasting memories and friendships. This experience not only deepened my knowledge of media influence, body movement, and stereotypes but also provided me with valuable self-reflection. I returned home with newfound insights about myself, my abilities, and a broader perspective on the world. The journey was not just about learning; it was about personal growth, cultural exchange, and forging connections that I will cherish forever.– Una Škrobić

Before our stay in Italy, we were a handful of students who were looking for some new experiences. We could not even dream that this Youth Exchange will bring us something even more valuable than pretty photos. As the days were passing by, we felt more and more connected with each other. All while talking about our countries and cultures, but experiences and dreams as well. I feel very grateful that I am one of the young people who has the opportunity to tell a story about such a dynamic environment which was filled with laughter, joy and strong emotions every day. 


I hope I will live to tell more stories like this again because, on this project I have seen how people from completely different cultures can go through almost similar experiences. At the end of the day, we are all human beings who are part of this story. Together, we are all looking for our place under the sun and I feel grateful that I had the opportunity to experience all of this with BRAVO BiH. – Tarik Dudić

“Make Every Step Count Project in Italy was something new in my life, especially workshops that are about body movement, self care and more healthy things that we sometimes forget through life. Personally I’ve never thought about those things and never knew that they were that important. It was an incredible experience, where I met really great people that inspired me and gave me hope that young people can really change the world we live in.


I hope that I will stay in contact with most of the people. I am really glad that everything went well, especially with our facilitators. They were really special, professional and tolerant with us. – Adi Atlić

“One of the best projects I have been to so far in my life. I am glad that I had the opportunity to be one of the pieces of this huge picture puzzle. Besides that, the organization (BRAVO BiH) also helped us to get a memorable chance and experience. Thank you all once again. I am happy for meeting all these brilliant young people from all over Europe, but from Bosnia and Herzegovina as well. In addition, in these types of projects, you always get the chance to enjoy good times, food, music, and to broaden your perspectives, which makes it even more wonderful. I think that I would recommend such a project, program, and sending organization to everyone who is thinking about being part of it or at least trying to apply. There is nothing to lose but a lot to gain! – Naira Džepar

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