• Name of the project: “ SONKEI – Respect in Sport, Respect
    in Life.”

  • Date of Conference: 16.09.2021.

  • Hosting organization: BRAVO

  • Place: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Participants age: 18+

  • The number of  participants : 10

  • Working language: English

  • Deadline for applying: 11.09.2021

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food.

Project background

Objective: to prevent violence and intolerance in sport through education and promotion of values of respect, courage, gender equality, inclusion and non-violence. The topic we have chosen for our project is: »Combat violence and tackle racism, discrimination and intolerance in sport«. We are aware that the problem of violence and intolerance in sport is not properly addressed in our communities, so we want to make a difference. In our local environments, the violence in sport is practically a taboo subject. We have only very limited number of reports and researches about these problems in our country, but according to the reports from other EU countries and other countries around the world, the violence in sport must be also present in our countries. Our aim is to prevent violence and intolerance in sport through education and promotion of values of respect, courage, gender equality, inclusion and non-violence. By doing this we intend to change the mind sets of people and initiate social change that will provide safer environment for everyone.


– A survey of the existing policies and strategies to tackle violence and intolerance in sport in different countries in EU and abroad, adaptation of this policies and strategies to our environment and implementation into grassroots sport organisation in the countries of all partners.

– Development of educational programs for coaches, managers, volunteers and other sport professionals about the problem of violence and intolerance in sport and implementation of educational programs into grassroots sport organisations.

– Development of practical tools that we can use in sport to educate children and youth about how to resist bullying, violence, intolerance and discrimination and help them cope with the violence they encounter in everyday life.

– Educate coaches about the procedures in case they recognize violence or if they are trusted by children, youth and adults about the violence they encounter.

– Promotion of the activities and the results of the project in the local environment of each partner and in as many EU territories as possible with the help of Ambassadors of Nonviolence. Ambassadors of Nonviolence will be famous athletes, well known in local communities.

Sarajevo Conference

  • The main topic of the conference: Prevention Violence in Sports

  • 5 National and International Speakers 

  • Discussion about non-violence and respect in Sports

  • 20 participants (10 from Bosnia and Herzegovina, 10 from 4 other European Countries)

  • Accommodation, food and travel costs are fully covered. 


  • Sports trainers
  • Sports coaches
  • Managers
  • Youth Workers working in Sport Sector
  • Sports Athletes 
  • Sports NGO Representatives
  • Representatives of any sport sectors


  1. Complete the BRAVO- APPLICATION FORM in English title as following ”name of the project you are applying for” until 23:59 on deadline day.

  2. Deadline for applying: 11.09.2021.

  3. Selection results: until 13.09.2021.


  5. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at:
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