The main aim of the project SONKEI is prevention of violence in sport and intolerance through education and promotion of the values of respect, courage, gender equality, inclusion, and non-violence.

On 19th June BRAVO organization held a multiplier sport event, seminar “Prevention of violence in sport” under the project “SONKEI Respect in sport, respect in life”.  The main aim of the project SONKEI is prevention of violence in sport and intolerance through education and promotion of the values of respect, courage, gender equality, inclusion, and non-violence. By doing this BRAVO with 7 other partner organizations intends to change the mindsets of people and initiate social change that will provide a safer environment for everyone.


Main topic of this event was to raise the awareness of all variety of violent acts and it’s consequences in sport among the sport coaches. Some of the goals that were achieved through implementation of this event were:

  • Introducing the term violence and its meaning
  • Exploring possible causes of violence
  • Presenting possible constructive responses of violence
  • Introducing the theory of nonviolent communication
  • Presenting exercises and games that help by preventing violence

To be part of this event sports coaches, sports managers, athletes, representatives of sports NGOs, and youth workers that are working in the sports sector. Participants had the opportunity to share their stories regarding violence, and its consequences. Through mutual active participation, they worked on nonviolent communication, understanding needs, and feelings, emphatic listening, understanding of various behavior etc. To achieve the aim of preventing violence in sports participants got a chance to work on exercises and various games that are created by mutual work of partner experts, to help in realization of that aim.

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