"SONKEI" - 4th Transnational Project Meeting






From 29th till 30th  June 2022 under the Project “SONKE Respect in Sport, Respect in Life” the 4th Transnational Project Meeting was held in Lisbon, Portugal. 

From 29th till 30th  June 2022 under the Project “SONKE Respect in Sport, Respect in Life” the 4th Transnational Project Meeting was held in Lisbon, Portugal. 


The main aim of the project SONKEI is the prevention of violence in sport and intolerance through education and promotion of the values of respect, courage, gender equality, inclusion, and non-violence. During this transnational meeting project team members from Slovenia, Croatia, Portugal, Italy, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Turkey, Romania, and Bulgaria had an opportunity to evaluate the development of the all activities that were accomplished so far. Further, they discussed SONKEI Intervention, and good practices, and learned about Safeguarding in Sports, national campaigns and initiatives in Portugal, and also EU policies and initiatives.


All partner participants worked on Educational kit development. The SONKEI – Respect in sport, Respect in life educational manual will include the following information: 


– Guide to organizing and implementing the educational program for prevention of violence, abuse, and intolerance in sport for sports professionals

– The content and methods used in the education program 

– Collection of the educational tools for raising the awareness of children and youth about violence, abuse, and intolerance 

– The explanation of the way the tools can be best used and the expected result.

The Educational kit will be a guide for sports professionals to raise awareness and educate participants about violence and intolerance in sports. The main objectives of the Educational kit are to identify and prevent violence and intolerance in sports. It is a tool that consists of different educational methods, including educational tools for raising awareness of children and youth.

The last part of the meeting was dedicated to evaluation and discussion regarding project dissemination, promotion of the project activities, and planning of the Final Conference which will be held in Turkey and whose aim will be, to sum up experiences gained through project implementation. 


SONKEI – Respect in Sport, Respect in Life co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European union and is coordinated by ŠPORTNO DRUŠTVO GIB ŠIŠKA (GIB Šiška), Slovenia in cooperation by Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities (BRAVO), Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgarian Sports Development Association (BSDA), Bulgaria; FIJLKAM – COMITATO REGIONALE FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – SETTORE JUDO, Italy; Ginásio Clube Português (GCP), Portugal; Asociatia Se Poate, Romania; Karasu Genclik, Sanat ve Spor Kulubu Dernegi (KARGENC CLUB), Turkey; ZAJEDNICA SPORTSKIH UDRUGA GRADA RIJEKE “RIJEČKI SPORTSKI SAVEZ” (RSS), Croatia.

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