After almost three years of the Structured Learning for Awareness in Media – SLAM project, the time has come for the project consortium to summarize the work done. How far have we progressed, what have we all learned, and have we succeeded in a common goal?
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On our website, you had a chance to read about Training Course in Italy, Kickoff meeting, Youth Exchange and Seminar in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and midterm evaluation meeting in Montenegro, as well as about all good and bad practices and examples of fake news in the countries participating in the project. Now, it’s final meeting turn.
From April 1st to April 4th, SLAM project coordinators from Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Turkiye, Italy, and Montenegro participated in the final meeting in Sinop, where we analyzed all local activities, guide, but also project success in countries’ participants.
On the first day of the event, all the participants visited the mayor and the government of the city of Sinop, where they presented the manual and the project, which was approved by our hosts. After that, each of the project partners had the opportunity to present the implemented local activities and a social campaign aimed at raising critical thinking and awareness of the prevention of fake news. Additionally, we presented and discussed the Final Evaluation Report.
Second day was reserved for discussion of quality and impact of project products, i.e. Guidebook and Webpage. After that, we presented and discussed the Sustainability Plan. But that’s not all… We visited the beautiful city of Sinop and enjoyed all of its beauties. On the photos below, you can see our enthusiasm and happiness.
During the third day, project partners brainstormed over the national and international follow-up which was presented later during the day. This day was the official closing of the project.
Here are the daily reports from our social networks if you want more details and atmosphere.
BRAVO is immensely proud and happy that its’ team worked on this project together with incredible members of Youth for Social Changes (Albania), KOM018 (Serbia), Mladiinfo (Montenegro), Bulgarian Sports Development Association (Bulgaria), EPEKA (Turkiye), and Mine Vaganti (Italy). Your thoughtfulness is a gift we will always treasure, and our hearts are still smiling due to the hard work, magnificent events and efforts we all put in the project activities, nice memories, lifelong friendships which turned into families. There are no enough words to express our thankfulness for everything all of you did.
This is not a goodbye, but a see you soon. ‘Til the next project, cheers and love for all of you!