• Project name: ESC “Climate Volunteers in Our City”

  • Project duration: 01.03.2021 – 30.08.2021. (6 months)

  • Hosting organization: “Karasu Gençlik, Sanat Ve Spor Kulübü Derneği”

  • Sending organizations: “BRAVO

  • Location: Sakarya, Turkey

  • Age limit: 18 – 30

  • The number of volunteers: 2

  • Required language: English

Selected volunteers:

1.     Amina Skejic


2.     Emir Delic

Congratulations! You have been chosen to participate in: ESC “Climate Volunteers in Our City” as someone who carries with them interesting and creative ideas. This project is an excellent opportunity to help where needed, learn new skills, spend time abroad, improve language skills, or even add a new language to your list – and certainly come back with unforgettable memories. 

With the wide range of issues covered by the projects (such as environment, health, inclusion, digital technologies, culture, sport), you are sure to find something to match your interests and background.

You have the choice between volunteering individually and in teams.

The participating organization is responsible for providing a respectful and trusting hosting environment. At the same time, the organizations participating in the initiative devote a great deal of time, energy, and resources to set up a high-quality activity; they should therefore expect that European Solidarity Corps participants show a similar level of respect for the local communities and the people that are directly concerned by the activities.

Most opportunities through the European Solidarity Corps are cross-border volunteering activities. 

These general principles of conduct consider the great variety of potential participants, organizations and environments in which activities may be performed. They should be adapted to the specific circumstances of each activity.

Young people planning to join the European Solidarity Corps should read this document carefully.

Congratulations to all and good luck!

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