As a part of BRAVOs effort to combat hate speech targeted at vulnerable communities, the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) for the “Against Hate speech towards Roma Community, Migrants, Ethnic minorities and Any vulnerable groups Discrimination – AHEAD” project took place on the 25th and 26th of January 2024 in the charming city of Bari, Italy.


The meeting served as a pivotal moment for all partners involved, providing a platform to discuss the progress made thus far, share implementation updates, and plan the next steps in the fight against discrimination.


Meeting Objectives and Results:


Review of Project Activities:

The meeting was opened with a comprehensive discussion on the main activities carried out by each partner in the initial phases of the project. This allowed the Consortium to gain insights into the diverse approaches taken by each country in addressing hate speech and discrimination.

Implementation Updates:

Partners provided updates on the latest implementation news in their respective countries and for each Work Package (WP). The collective sharing of information facilitated a deeper understanding of the project’s evolution on a global scale.


Analysis and Planning:

The participants analyzed the evolution of AHEAD’s WP activities in each partner country. Subsequently, they collaboratively planned the upcoming tasks, setting clear objectives for the remaining weeks of the project implementation.


Verification of Reporting Activities:

A crucial aspect of the meeting involved the verification of national reporting activities in each country. Partners contributed continuous narrative reports and presented financial and administrative reports, ensuring transparency and accountability in the project.


Online Reporting Status and Action Plan Design:

The consortium collectively checked the online “intermediate reporting” status on the European Commission portal. This step ensured that all partners were in compliance with reporting requirements and contributed to the project’s overall success. Another significant outcome of the meeting was the collaborative design of the Action Plan for February 2024 and the entire sustainability period of the project. The participants developed a clear and detailed calendar, outlining the tasks and milestones to achieve in the upcoming months.

More about AHEAD project:

AHEAD project aims to promote between youngsters non–discrimination and to combat racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance against Roma and other Ethnic minorities (mostly migrants). Partners jointly work on innovative good practice approaches, human rights-based narratives, training, official regular meetings, and European awareness raising campaigns. The project promotes inclusion, tolerance, mutual and multicultural understanding, and fight Roma, ethnic minorities, and migrants in Europe through an innovative approach that combines research, training (national and international) on antidiscrimination and on hate speech, round tables, seminars, the exchange of good practices, meetings between different representatives, stakeholders, CSOs, and youth associations, and a massive dissemination campaign.

The project aims to contribute to strengthening the capacity building of young victims (part of minorities) and the protection of youngsters belonging to minorities by supporting them in capacity building and structuring new mechanisms in public consultations in partner’s country (replicable all over Europe) on the issue of nondiscrimination and fighting every form of hate speech against ethnic minorities, Roma and migrants. 


AHEAD’s aim is to tackle hate speech (also online) and to combat discriminations that target minorities in 5 areas of civil rights: education, labor, housing, health, goods and services, through specific training offered to 200 participants and through an new approach that combines quantitative research, public meetings with stakeholders, and awareness raising campaign. After providing expertise, building competences, advocating and raising awareness among youth people, partners will support the mobilization of young victims and will focus on Capacity building actions for youth, in order to involve Youngsters in decision making and into new structured automatic mechanisms to empower their active participation on hate speech and antidiscrimination.

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