Privacy and Cookie Notice

Organization overview
Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities (BRAVO) is non-profit and non-
governmental organization. The things that make this organization outstanding and ready to assume
responsibility are core principles: tolerance, democracy, diversity, voluntariness and openness.
BRAVO, together with local communities and partners, in harmony with Statute, is doing a variety of
activities during the year, celebrates traditional dates, but also educates young people and does
monitoring of all the above mentioned.

Why do we collect data?
We collect data for normal business activities:
 to complete and develop our project and contractual obligations
 to research stories and projects for future activities and projects
 Through documents and content supplied to us as part of our work (i.e. documents for translation,
files for review, text for content etc.)
 to market our services to existing and new projects
 As part of our own due diligence to comply with our public liability and indemnity insurance.
 To inform you about new events
We do not sell or trade data or pass on data to third parties without the specific written permission of
the data supplier.
We will share data if required to do so by law (e.g. by the police or as part of a legal process) or as
part of our regular accounting activities (invoicing etc.).
How do we collect data?
We collect data in usual ways:
 Business to business contact scenarios (trade shows, meetings etc.)
 Introductions and recommendations
 E-mail contact and on-line agency contacts (e.g. LinkedIn etc.)
 Through our website & social media
 Contact information in the public domain

What data do we collect?
Organizations/volunteers/students/companies information: contact names, job titles, addresses,
email, contact number, web addresses, and social media information.
Contributors for projects: contact names, job titles, addresses, email, contact number, web
addresses, social media information, photographs and details of start-ups.
We do not collect sensitive personal data (health, sexual orientation, dates of birth, earnings info etc)
unless this is required for a particular project and we have written confirmation.
How do we store data?

Our volunteers/partners/companies/students lists are stored in Google Drive (Mail & Contacts) and
Google Android/Gmail address books, Gmail. All our computers and devices are password-protected
with antivirus software installed.
Data management & viewing your data
We regularly update our contact lists and delete old & irrelevant contacts.
If you wish to be removed from our contact list please send us an e-mail to

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