Povodom svečanog otvaranja i početka novog projekta pod nazivom „Design Your Job“ imali smo časti i zadovoljstvo ugostiti u prostorijama našeg BRAVO ureda u centru Sarajeva naše partnere iz Srbije, Crne Gore,Albanija, Latvije i Italije.
Sazvana je press konferencija na kojom smo najavili projekt, na kojemo ćemo kroz naredne dvije godine raditi na kreiranju prilika za mlade ljude kroz određene treninge za IT.
Kroz projekt S-DYJ također ćemo stipendirati 20 mladih osoba u pojedinačnim iznosima od preko 2000 eura, te im pomoći u ostvarenju njihovim snova. Share-Desing you job! Uz BRAVO i naše partnere je to i moguće!
Glavni cilj ovog projekta je kreiranje i testiranje programa koji bi služili za prekvalifikaciju i dokvalifikaciju nezaposlenih osoba sa ciljem i idejom da što više nezaposlenih osoba „dovuče“ na tržište rada i samim time smanji nezaposlenost, te da se steknu i osnovne digitalne vještine, ali i napredne digitalne vještine koje će im pomoći u pronalasku posla ili potencijalno započinjanju vlastitog. Partneri i aplikant projekta iz Srbije kaže da su već imali različite primjere ljudi koji su se zaposlili, te onih koji su stekli dovoljno znanja da započnu svoj posao, tako da svi čvrsto vjeruju da će to biti slučaj i s ovim projektom.
U ovom projektu imamo 5 tema, od toga 2 teme koje su partneri do sada koristili i koji su primjeri dobre prakse, a to su: Osnove grafičkog dizajna i Web developmenta, te potom Digitalni marketing i User Experience Design. Prvi trening održati će se u Srbiji krajem jula mjeseca, drugi je u Crnoj Gori krajem augusta mjeseca ove godine, dok će treći trening je u Albaniji početkom oktobra. Četvrti je planiran u Bosni i Hercegovini u Sarajevu u februaru 2023. godine, a u martu 2023. u Italiji. Osim ovih treninga maldi će biti omogućeni i mnogi drugi prije i nakon navedenih treninga, ali o tome će se javnost obavijestiti pravovremeno kroz kanale i društvene mreže.
Svi partneri su iskazali veliku zahvalnost prije svega Europskoj komisiji i Erasmus+ programu koji će financirati ovaj projekt naredne dvije godine, a koji je neizmjerno važan za zemlje Zapadnog Balkana. Zemlje poput partnerske Crne Gore nude posao mladima preko ljeta, međutim posao nedostaje u zimskim mjesecima, te naši partneri smatraju kako su deficitarniji poslovi zanimljviji za mlade, te bi ih mogli potaknuti da ne odlaze u druge europske zemlje u potrazi za poslom, te da će ova edukacija kroz naredne divje godine pomoći mnogo u tome.
Direktor BRAVO organizacije Ismail Šehić zahvalio se medijima koji su ispratili današnju press konferenciju i službeno otvaranje projekta koji će biti od velikog značaja za mlade u našoj državi, te pozvao sve da nastave pratiti ovu lijepu priču putem naših društvenih mreža i naše web stranice, te da će nam se partneri pridružiti uživo u svim budućim aktivnostima.
On the occasion of the opening ceremony and the beginning of a new project called “Design Your Job”, we had the honor and pleasure to host our partners from Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Latvia and Italy at the premises of our BRAVO office in the center of Sarajevo.
A press conference was called at which we announced the project, which we will work on over the next two years to create opportunities for young people through certain IT trainings.
Through the S-DYJ project, we will also scholarship 20 young people in individual amounts of over 2000 euros, and help them achieve their dreams. Share-Desing you job! With BRAVO and our partners, it is possible!
The main goal of this project is to create and test programs that would serve to retrain and retrain unemployed people with the aim and idea of “dragging” as many unemployed people into the labour market as possible and therefore reducing unemployment, and to acquire basic digital skills, as well as advanced digital skills that will help them find a job or potentially start their own. The partners and applicant of the project from Serbia say that they already had different examples of people who got a job, and those who gained enough knowledge to start their business, so everyone firmly believes that this will be the case with this project.
In this project we have 5 topics, of which 2 topics that partners have used so far and which are examples of good practice, namely: Basics of Graphic Design and Web Development, followed by Digital Marketing and User Experience Design. The first training session will be held in Serbia at the end of July, the second is in Montenegro at the end of August of this year, while the third training session will be in Albania in early October. The fourth is planned in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo in February 2023, and in March 2023 in Italy. In addition to these trainings, many others will be provided to the youngsters before and after the above trainings, but the public will be informed in a timely manner through channels and social networks.
All partners expressed great gratitude above all to the European Commission and the Erasmus+ programme that will finance this project for the next two years, which is immensely important for the Countries of the Western Balkans. Countries such as partner Montenegro are offering jobs to young people over the summer, but work is lacking in the winter months, and our partners believe that more deficient jobs are more interesting for young people, and could encourage them not to go to other European countries in search of work, and that this education will help a lot in this over the coming wild years.
BRAVO’s Director Ismail Šehić thanked the media who saw today’s press conference and the official opening of the project that will be of great importance for young people in our country, and invited everyone to continue to follow this beautiful story through our social networks and our website, and that partners will join us live in all future activities.
Volunteering wasn’t always easy, but it was an endless source of wisdom about adaptability, devotion, work ethic and acceptance. But if you ask me ‘What’s the one thing that volunteering taught you?’, the answer is to be humble, and to give – give your time, your effort, your friendship and affection. Life itself is like a volunteering project, you never know what you’re going to get. So make yourself available, and appreciate and share what you have – the returns will be abundant, and they will surprise you.