New exciting news from BRAVO!


In the period from 11th until the 17th of November 2022 BRAVO held “Passengers of Noah’s ark”  in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


As we know, the world constantly moves and evolves which leads to migrations that are either willing or unwilling. The project talks about migration, how it affects the people involved, how it affects the people that are forced to leave their homes and how it affects the people that (don’t) welcome new people into their homelands and ordinary everyday lives. “Passengers of Noah’s ark’s” goals are to make art and portray European migration through stories, short films, acting and songs!

The project also welcomed different people from Turkey, North Macedonia, Norway, Morocco and Romania including local Bosnian participants as well. They worked together on understanding migrations better, recorded a song about the current world problems, had a fun city hunt through Sarajevo and much more!


Feel free to join our Open calls so you could enjoy the benefits of Erasmus+ as well!


We thank everyone involved in this project for their hard work and participation!

Summary of the project "Passengers of Noah's Ark

Migration affects not only migrants but also the communities of origin. Migration exists both in the past and in the present. According to the 2020 World Migration Report analysis of the International Organization for Migration, the number of immigrants worldwide has increased to 272 million, reaching 3.5 % of the world population. It shows that more than half of the refugees worldwide with 114 million live in Europe and North America, thanks to the level of development that the European Union has come from economically and socially. Although there were increases and decreases in the migration graph over time, migration continued to be a continuous phenomenon between countries. The drama, tragedies, troubles and tears of migration from the past to the present are talked about. We advise humanity, who has migrated for thousands of years, to close the doors, not to see or hear. However, now we must focus on the beauties of migration, talk about its contributions to our lives, and remember its spirit. We have to explain the emotion of migration, its art, how it unites people and how it enriches civilizations. We should focus on what a good engineer, a good doctor, a good artist, a skilled worker adds to our lives, we should not be afraid of our own truth, we should believe in our humanity. Since migration has existed for thousands of years and it has contributed to our lives, let’s put aside the dramas and pains of migration and tell the beauties of migration, its contribution to culture and art, with art, let’s tell the stories of European migration with art, let’s make folk songs and films. Let’s take the first step from here.



  • Developing / acquiring young people’s intercultural learning, active learning, artistic and digital skills, creative thinking, design and implementation, empathy, social enterprise, active citizenship skills
  • To gain the awareness and skills of working together, team spirit, duty and responsibility, tolerance.
  • To break the prejudices, if any, against individuals from different cultures, religions, beliefs, history and geography, and to improve their knowledge and skills about differences.
  • Creating/performing 7 songs with short videos/films in different languages (in language of project partner countries) and delivering them to the World
  • Raising awareness of the importance of the impact of culture on one’s behavior and identity
  • To draw attention to European citizenship, immigration, immigration issues, to raise awareness and to support participants and project beneficiaries in adopting these concepts
  • Supporting the visibility of E + programs
  • Developing our institutional capacity and international cooperation skills
  • interest in taking part in a multicultural experience (give priority to people who have had few or no opportunities to live experiences of this type and/or experience intercultural learning activities
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