OVISOR - Round Table, Tirana, Albania

After successfully implementing info sessions in partner countries, the next stop for the O’visor project was the Round Table that was held in Tirana, Albania from 17th till 20th December, where three representatives of BRAVO, aside from its director, Ismail Šehić, took part.


This event was hosted by the partner organization New Vision and it gathered representatives of the 8 participating countries. Our main priority was keeping everyone safe and healthy, so each activity was realized strictly following the COVID-19 measures and protocols.


On the first day, the program was opened by the warm words of welcome that came from the representatives of New Vision and BRAVO’s director. The representatives of the participating organizations gave a summary of their organization and its active involvement in the local community. 


Inspired by their speeches, the rest of the participants were divided into four groups, based on which they discussed the following topics
  1. What volunteering means to me?

  2. Volunteering within the institutions

  3. Volunteering with people with disabilities

  4. Volunteering for the environment

After a period of time devoted to discussion, each group gave a presentation on the discussed topic which further led to exchanging opinions and experiences.


A hard-working atmosphere was continued the next day, at the meeting where the attendees discussed the future of the O’visor project and the implementation process of the upcoming Photo Exhibition in Athens, Greece. Any doubt that partners had was solved as well as the questions that were answered. At this table, partners were given the guidelines for organizing Photo Exhibition and the criteria for photo selection was determined.

Now that the time has passed, the preparation for Photo Exhibition has largely begun. Still, we can’t dispute the impact that the Round Table had on the participants, which is still, after all that time, pretty visible. The O’visor story wouldn’t be possible without the partners and all the people included who respect the principles of the project and regularly apply them to different spheres of life. By sharing our experiences, we are raising awareness of volunteerism and being each other’s motivation in these hard times that humanity is facing.


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