Open Call for 6 Participants for Youth Exchange in Hungary

  • Name of the project: “ Script Action for Future Earth”
  • Date of Project: 09.02.2022. – 19.02.2022.
  • Hosting organization: “Fiatalok Egységben Egyesület”
  • Sending organizations: “BRAVO“
  • Place: Budapest, Hungary
  • Participants age: + 18
  • The number of participants : 6
  • Working language: English
  • Deadline for applying: 15.01.2021
  • Note: Preference is given to all persons who have been fully vaccinated.


Humankind has brought our world borders , conflicts and wars , and pollution due to excessive consumption of technological development . Continuous greedy mining of raw mater ials, massive industrial production results in unpleasant consequences for both people and environment . We want to use interact i ve learning methods to promote empathy to w ard other living beings , to increase recycling, and through the acting skills of our participants to revive the imbalanced ecology. The general purpose of the project is to draw attention to the causes of environmental problems, particularly, the human impacts on the ecological system throughout history.


  • To inform young people about the main reasons and historical figures of different pollution types (water, air , soil, noise) ;
  • To develop theatrical abilities and research skills;
  • To explain the human factor in the changing Earth balance;
  • To improve their environmental awareness and empathy;
  • To support young people’s problem solving and project development skills;
  • To engage participants in constructive ecology protection


Each group will include 6 participants: 1 group leader and 5 participants out of which their interest in the topic and willing to take active roles, particularly in dissemination. Those with less chance for self-development and international learning will be a priority. That is why each participating group will include a minimum 2 socially and economically disadvantaged participants. The age range of the participants is 18-30. For the group leaders, there is no age limit. We will prefer participants aged around 20 to provide better dialogues and communication among peers. Experienced and comparatively older participants will be group leaders to be able to keep things under control. In our Project gender equality will be taken into consideration. For this reason, each group will participate with equal male and female participants. To carry out the activities within the Project it is necessary to know the English language.


Fiatalok Egységben Egyesület is an organisation, not a travel agency. That is why, the participants have to regularly check the entry requirements of Hungary, especial ly, during the pandemia times. We can only provide you with the official governmental websites regularly updat ing the entry requirement s :

  1. ht tp: / /www.pol / informat ion-on-general – rules – of -border -cros s ing
  2. F l ight s : ht tps : / / 19/ informat ion_on_enter ing_and_ lea ving_hungary
  3. Europe in general : ht tps : / / 7011

We don’ t cover  travel insurance. You can make it jus t to have a safe travel and stay abroad;

To fully participate in this project and to keep everyone on the safe side, fully vaccinated people will be priority on selection. We do not have special corona test money in our project budget. That is why only and only if the participants MUST take a test to cross the border according to the governmental rules, we might reimburse. Still, it has to be agreed with the selected participants in advance.

The arrival in Budapest : 9th of February

The departure from Budapest : 19th of February

Participants can arrive in Budapest up to 3 days before the project starts or they can leave Budapest up to 3 days after the project at their own cost. If more than 3 days, we cannot reimburse the travel money at all.


3 times food and accommodation are fully covered by the project with the support of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme. On the subject of accommodation, we make every effort to provide the finest service possible. We will provide a room with a bed, hot water, and enough food. You should bring your own slippers, towel, toothpaste, toothbrush, and other personal care items. Please don’t anticipate luxurious accommodation. Youth Exchange project that we are going to have a lot of fun.  A very good hostel for a very good time in the heart of Budapest!


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