Open call for 40 participants for Youth Exchange in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Name of the project: “Rural Youth Business for Social Change”

  • Date of Project: 21.06.2021 – 28.06.2021.

  • Hosting organization: “BRAVO”

  • Sending organizations:
  1. “Centre for Sustainable Development (Applicant) – Serbia
  • Place: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Participants age: 16 – 30

  • The number of participants: 4 participants + 1 leader per country (5 in total per country)

  • Working language: English

  • Deadline for applying: 10.06.2021.”

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food. 


“Youth, Business, Better” (YBB) is a project involving a total of 8 NGOs of which 3 based in the Western Balkans (Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Albania) and 5 in Europe (Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovakia, FYROM).

YBB will develop an integrated approach for youth organizations in partner countries to tackle the issues of unemployment, social and economic marginalization of rural youth.

In Europe and West Balkans, high youth unemployment rates, sustained youth population drain to urban centres, overall economic marginalization are compounded by impaired access to education, socialization and participation opportunities in a complex relationship of co-determination.

The simultaneous operation of the factors outlined above is both a triggering and perpetuating factor in a self-feeding dynamic of exclusion whose unhindered development is due to hamper the socioeconomic sustainability of rural communities and the personal development of youngsters.

A comprehensive and sustainable approach to youth employability in rural areas should focus on strengthening the role of youth organization as key bridgeheads capable of connecting youth empowerment, active citizenship and local development through an NFE based educational approach targeted at providing young people with skills to be active drivers of positive change.

Developing entrepreneurial skills and competences in young people represents a major avenue towards the enhancement of self-employability, active participation and social inclusion of youngsters as well as a key determinant in eliciting a youth driven-bottom up process of development capable of making the most of the wide array of assets (natural, cultural, traditional) characterizing rural areas across Europe and Western Balkan countries.

YBB provides a comprehensive approach to tackle the issue of youth unemployment in rural areas by means of sharing and developing knowledge, best practices and NFE tools fostering the understanding and technical competences of locally-engaged youth operators in supporting empowerment and employability of young people in rural areas through conveying skills and competences of entrepreneurship.

The Consortium is composed of experienced youth organizations with a long-standing involvement in support of disadvantaged youth categories in rural areas by means of NFE.

In the frame of YBB, partners will share, assess and develop knowledge, best practices and NFE tools to be tested and further developed in a TC involving youth/social workers from each organization. The methodologies developed in project TC will be tested in a piloting phase conducted in all partner countries with the participation of local youth operators. Partners will test the educational outcomes achieved in the first phase of the project through a specific YE involving youngsters from rural areas.

Youth Exchange “Rural Youth Business for Social Change”

  • Place and Date: Sarajevo, 21-28 June 2021

    Participants: 40 young people from rural areas aged 18-25 (4 youngsters+1 group leader/facilitator per partner organization)

    Agenda: The Youth Exchange will aim at testing the contents, NFE methodologies and competences built in previous project activities in a real training condition with ultimate youth target groups (youngsters from rural areas aged 18-25). The educational programme of the YE will be delivered by a Team of facilitators composed of one facilitator per partner organization selected among youth workers/leaders involved in the local Workshops’ phase. The educational medium employed throughout project YE will be Non Formal Education (NFE) featuring a combination of highly-participatory learning activities compatible with the educational needs and profile of targets (Ice Breaking Games, Team Building Activities, workshops, simulations, roundtables, participatory presentations, simplified sessions of Project Management, Evaluation Groups). The ultimate educational product of project Youth Exchange will be a dedicated section of the Manual on Rural Entrepreneurship, on whose elaboration participants will work directly with the constant assistance of the Team of facilitators.


The indicators and results are:

The Consortium of partners will elaborate a detailed set of meaningful and measurable indicators, both qualitative and quantitative in nature, aimed at assessing the quality and results of project activities and cooperation processes as compared to expected results and procedural quality standards. The aforementioned set of indicators will be detailed in the frame of project Evaluation Plan, which will be formally elaborated in a cooperative fashion by partners in project transnational Kick-off Meeting. A specific Evaluation Committee will be established composed of 1 representative per partner organization in charge of exerting constant monitoring and assessment over the qualitative and quantitative development of project proceedings under each indicator and the combination thereof.

Key indicators in the frame of project Evaluation Plan will be:

– Production of project Evaluation Plan and Dissemination Plan by the established deadline;

– Production of at least 1 Interim Evaluation Plan on a 3 month basis by partners cooperating through online instruments;

– Production of 1 project Format TC by partners cooperating through online instruments within the established deadline and at least 20 days before project TC;

– Achievement of an average satisfaction rate of at least 80% in specific questionnaires circulated among Trainers/facilitators and participants at the end of each educational cycle foreseen by the project (TC, YE, local Workshops);

– Achievement of expected learning outcomes in each activity (TC, YE, Local Activities) as resulting from Trainer/Facilitators’ reporting and participants’ own feedback.

– Achievement of expected learning objectives in Job Shadowings as resulting from hosting organizations’ and participants’ reporting.

– At least 3 original NFE tools about entrepreneurial education in rural areas produced by participants in each educational event (TC, YE, local Workshops [per country]). The tools will be NFE instruments of different levels of complexity (1 easy, 1 medium 1 hard) conceived for a progressive pattern of learning (from the simplest to the most advanced entrepreneurial competences). All the tools developed will be integrated in the Manual, final output of the project;

– Production of specific sections of the Manual on Rural Entrepreneurship in each educational event (TC, YE, local Workshops).

– Production of a tangible educational output in the form of a Manual on Rural Entrepreneurship achieved by project Final Evaluation Meeting. The assessment of the Manua’s success in delivering on the expected impact will be measured based on the latter’s effective use by the final audience of targets (NGOs and youth operators). For this purpose, a satisfactory achievement will be considered reached In case at least 20 downloads of the Manaual are achieved per partner country within 5 months from its production;

– Production of Project Evaluation plan by project Final Evaluation meeting;


  • to enjoy life

  • to be ready to learn something new

  • to have from 16 to 30 years

  • to be ready to actively participate in the activities

  • to learn about other culture and to present their own cultures

  • to be team player 

  • to be ready to accept different

  • to be ready to travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • to speak English – enough for communication 

  • to from one of these 8 countries.

Travel, Food and Accommodation

According to the rules within the Programme “Erasmus+” we will reimburse the travel costs on the basis of the cheapest possibilities, e.g. second class railway tickets, accompanied by the receipt of complete and original tickets, invoices, bills, receipts, boarding cards etc. upon a certain “contribution to the travel costs of participants, from their place of origin to the venue of the activity and return”. This contribution is based on the travel distance per participant.

Above you can find the maximum contribution to travel costs for ONE participant per country from the city of registration of the organisation to the venue and back. Travel Costs will be reimbursed upon presented all original travel documents and invoices after completion of each activity. 

Arrival/departure dates should be maximum one day prior/after the start of the event.-For flight tickets search is recommended to Do not book any tickets before confirming your travel plan with our team!If you book tickets that haven’t been confirmed by our team we are not going to reimburse the expenses you made!


Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities (BRAVO) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization. BRAVO is a professional organization based and focused on knowledge, entrepreneurship, civil society development, non-formal education and innovative learning and development techniques for young people and adults. What makes our organization outstanding and ready to take responsibility are the key principles we nurture, celebrate and act upon:  tolerance, democracy, diversity, voluntariness and openness. 

By promoting  partnerships between the private, public sector and civil society, BRAVO is in a great position to influence and contribute to sustainable local community development, especially while enabling youth to gain the skills that are

needed in the 21st century, fostering more accessible, offering and inclusive non-formal education, as well as while investing in innovations and entrepreneurship.

In order to achieve ambitious goals, accelerate much-needed changes in various spheres of society and assist as many people as possible, BRAVO’s teams work in the following fields/topics/key areas


Human Rights, Anti-Trafficking, People with disabilities, Reproductive health and STDs, Gender Equality and Combating Gender-Based Violence, Sports on a daily basis, Audio and Video production, People with fewer opportunities, Organizing events, Entrepreneurship, IT and ICT, Technology, Humanitarian actions, National and International projects, Support in fight against Criminal and Corruption, Accelerating start-ups, Industry 4.0, Entrepreneurship, Project management, Refugee and Migrants, Creative Actions, but at the same time we are working on publishing books, brochures, newsletters, flyers, affiliations, similar publications and a lot of other activities.


Our general target group are young people within the age of 15 to 35, but, as it could be seen from the above – BRAVO focuses on all the people that are in need of help and our support. Bearing that in mind, we say that we care for people from 3 to 103. The focus of our organization is on international projects, including all sectors and topics above, but at the same time, we constantly keep a strong focus on working with people with fewer opportunities and taking care of European values and principles. In these efforts, BRAVO’s teams are working closely with institutions and organizations that care for people with disabilities and such cooperation is motivating and enabling us to successfully and regularly organize sign language courses and do sports activities with people who are blind or have impaired vision. Whether as coordinators or hosting organization, we are bringing participants from all over Europe to participate in the work of institutions as volunteers and to, in a unique way, learn about the different ways in which they can be helpful to these particularly sensitive categories.



The project meeting will take place in Sarajevo – the city where east meets west:

Its idyllic mountain setting and diverse heritage makes Sarajevo one of Europe’s most intriguing cities. Yet it is its indomitable spirit that makes it truly special.

If ever a greeting has momentarily filled my head with mixed emotions, it was the one offered to me the other day by a smiling young taxi driver at an airport. “Welcome to Sarajevo,” he announced, and then he sped me off to my hotel in Baščaršija, the city’s cultural and historic heart.

Although Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a name which might seem inextricably linked to war and tragedy, the passing of 20 years has done much to heal this remarkable and resilient city, and tourism is now sharply on the rise. The reason is obvious. Sarajevo is beautiful.

The city is tucked inside a long, thin valley and surrounded on all sides by forested mountains, and almost every crossroads and street corner provides at least a glimpse of an idyllic picture-postcard backdrop. During the worst moments in the city’s history, when its inhabitants were targeted by snipers, this dramatic geography proved to be a terrifying drawback but, thankfully, the spectacular natural beauty of Sarajevo can again be admired and enjoyed.

The best way to do this is to find the highest vantage point possible, and with the recent reopening of Sarajevo’s iconic cable car, a trip up the mountainside has, once again, been made easy. A short walk from Baščaršija brings you to the shiny new cable car station in the foothills of Mount Trebević, one of the peaks which played host to events in the 1984 Winter Olympics. For a return fee of 20 Bosnian marks (approximately £10), this must-do cable car lifts you more than 1,100m in seven minutes, providing breathtaking views every second of the way. At the top, the perspective shifts and changes like a kaleidoscope. In the short space of time that I was on the mountain, I saw the cityscape swelter beneath me under a clear blue sky and then quickly become obscured by twirling strands of mist that seemed to appear from nowhere.

It’s a view which defies comparison with most other European cities. Mosques and minarets decorate the skyline along with the Romanesque towers of Catholic churches and the onion-shaped domes of Orthodox ones. And that is another thing which makes this city so fascinating: it’s a place where east and west meet. On the main pedestrian thoroughfare, Ferhadija, this cultural equator is marked for posterity on the pavement and a sign encourages visitors to take a photo looking first one way up the street and then the other.

The contrast is stark. Austro-Hungarian architecture and a mosaic of western shop signs can be seen in one direction, while, with a simple turn of the head, the outlook abruptly transforms into a Turkish bazaar. On one side of this line, people sit and drink beer at tables on the street, while on the other, there isn’t a drop of alcohol to be found. Instead, you’ll find open-fronted cafes offering strong Bosnian coffee and also, perhaps, a puff on a hookah pip

Following Ferhadija in the direction of the coffee will wind you into the heart of Baščaršija and, inevitably, to the enjoyable hubbub nicknamed “Pigeon Square”. My first visit here was to the accompaniment of Bosnian folk music being blasted loudly through outdoor speakers and provided the odd spectacle of several dozen tiny parked cars which looked like vintage Fiat 500s but were, in fact, Yugoslav Zastava. Like the views from Mountain Trebević, the drama in Pigeon

Square is ever-changing but one constant is the wonderful ice-cream being sold by street vendors in an alluring range of flavours. One scoop will set you back as little as 1€.

For a wider choice of refreshments head for Gazi Husrev-begova, the narrow street walled on one side by the indoor marketplace known as the Old Bezistan. Cafe tables squeeze the street even tighter and a cup of coffee here lasts as long as you can linger over it. A good choice is Café Ramis, which sits on a corner and attracts locals and foreign visitors alike. With windows that open fully on to the street, it actually makes little difference whether you choose to sit in or out but there is something rather lovely about relaxing inside, surrounded by Ottoman geometric patterns and happy people munching cake. The cakes reveal as much about Sarajevo’s diverse heritage as everything else does in this city. Viennese Sachertorte is offered alongside krempita kolač (a Bosnia and Herzegovinan custard slice), as well as something that looked to me very much like a rum baba. Whatever you choose, you won’t be rushed.

Sarajevo has such a good vibe that it can be extremely difficult to grasp the terror of what happened here as recently as the mid-1990s. But the truth is that you don’t need to look far for evidence. Any building which predates that time is likely to be pockmarked with bullet holes, and a memorial garden in Veliki Park, opposite one of Sarajevo’s busiest shopping malls, quietly commemorates the 1,500 children who lost their lives during the 44-month long siege.

Even without factoring in its incendiary role in the first world war, the history of Sarajevo can seem impossibly sad. Despite that, it doesn’t feel like a sad place to visit because when you come here, you get the sense that the city is now looking to the future. And it does that with dignity, resilience, an indomitable spirit and hope. If you want to discover somewhere remarkable, then make your way to Sarajevo.

How to apply?

  1. Complete the BRAVO- APPLICATION FORM as following ”name of the project you are applying for” until 23:59 on deadline day.

  2. Deadline for applying: 10.06.2021

  3. Selection results: 10.06.2021.

  4. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at:

If you have any questions feel free to contact BRAVO TEAM

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