Open Call for 4 Participants for Training Course "All the colours"

Name of the project: “All the colours”
Date of Project: 22.09.2022. – 29.09.2022.
Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”
Place: Torre del Greco, Italy
Participants age: +18
The number of participants: 4
Working language: English
Deadline for applying: 29.08.2022.
This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food.
“All the colours” is a Partner Countries mobility of youth workers for 38 youth workers to implement from 22/09/2022 to 29/09/2022 in Torre del Greco, Italy. The 9 partner organizations are: Italy, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Spain, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey and Georgia. Participants will learn about violence and its forms, learn more about human rights and how they are no different from LGBT rights, learn about the Istanbul Convention and contradictions. By learning new working methods and techniques to work in the field of services for LGBT victims of violence, participants will be able to update their skills, knowledge and skills. In this way we will multiply good practices and build an opportunity to learn new techniques in working with people who are victims of anti-LGBG hate crimes. In training through the means of non-formal education, participants will be introduced to work sessions to increase work skills with techniques for preventing and overcoming aggressive attitudes in the living conditions of marginalized groups of the LGBT community. The young participants in the training will be able to develop a number of key competences and skills such as: – Ability to use different techniques, methods and techniques in the process of supporting victims of anti-LGBT hate crimes. – Presentation skills; – Improve communication skills; – Ability to work in a multicultural environment; – Building skills for communication and work with people at risk and people who are victims of violence; – Acquisition of team work skills; – Acquisition of creativity and innovative methods in the approach when working with people who are victims of anti-LGBT hate crimes. – Skills for a better understanding of the problems of the LGBT community; – Skills to distinguish the main LGBT groups.
The project will take place in Torre del Greco (province of Napoli), a city located in the immediate vicinity of the Vesuvius National Park, between Vesuvius and the Gulf of Naples, where the condition of young people faces many difficulties: poor educational and employment offers, emigration of young people, increasing of NEET generation, neglect disadvantaged people, lack of political participation. The climate is Mediterranean with temperatures reaching 35 ° in summer and not falling below 5 ° in winter.
- Your name, surname, dates, and price information must be written on your tickets.
- You must have both arrival-departure tickets, boarding passes, and invoices.
- All the tickets must be from the economy class. The business class will not be accepted.
- You cannot receive reimbursement if you lose your boarding passes. You have to hand them over to us.
- We need a copy of your passport or ID.
- The open-date tickets are not accepted. Every ticket must have a specific date on it.
- You have to send the original tickets to us after the project.
- If you use a taxi or Uber, this expense will not be covered by us. Only public transportation will be covered.
- When you go back, you must send your departure boarding passes too. Firstly you must take their photos, send by email and later send them by post.
- Participants whose nationality does not belong to the country they are coming from must have a document showing their residence in the Country they live in. This document can be a student ID card or a residence permit. The National Agency asks us to do your reimbursement. Please pay attention. These rules are all from the rules in the project system. These documents are requested us during the audits.
- You have to bring all these documents while coming to the project. You will not have the chance to get them or copy them in the project place.
- If you buy your tickets together and there is more than 1 name on tickets, everyone will print it for himself/ herself!
- On first day (travel date), you will give us all your tickets, visa documents, passports, boarding passes and sign the tickets list one by one! Thats why before coming here, everyone must print all of their tickets and if you have used visa, you should print your visa documents.
Accommodation, food, local transports for activities and all materials of the project will be covered by the hosting NGO for the whole duration of the project activity (9 days).
You should search for the most economic flight or bus to project place from your hometown. Please contact us before buying your ticket for confirmation. We will share detailed info for getting to the Hotel on the Facebook group of the project.
We can only refund your travelling costs if you have the original tickets, flight tickets, boarding passes, receipts of the trip, invoices. All of your documents must be at your name and in the dates estabilished from our organization. A flight ticket is a document or electronic record, issued by an airline or a travel agency, that confirms that an individual is entitled to a seat on a flight on an aircraft. The airline ticket may be one of two types: a paper ticket, which comprises coupons or vouchers; and an electronic ticket.
IMPORTANT : It has got your full name, flight route, dates and prices. If there is no price on your tickets, you must have invoice. A boarding pass is a document provided by an airline during check-in, giving a passenger permission to enter the restricted area of an airport and to boardthe airplane for a particular flight. At a minimum, it identifies the passenger, the flight number, and the date and scheduled time for departure. In some cases, flyers can check in online and print the boarding passes themselves.
After the project:
- You must go back to your official address in maximum two days.
- You must send your travel documents to us by post in case you have to wait to receive the ones for your way back.
- In case of bank transfer, bank commission belongs to participants. And it changes according to each country’s procedures. After you receive the money, you should send a confirmation via e-mail.
- You cannot arrive at the project 1 day later than the first day of the project or leave 1 day earlier than the last day of the project, otherwise, we cannot pay your reimbursements. It is a rule set by the European Commission. But you can come earlier than the first day of the project and you can leave later than the last day of the project. (2 days in total)
- The daily plan can be changed by our organization. Some features can be negotiated with the participants and new changes can be made on the estimated schedule.
- You have to care for the estimated daily plan and participate to the activities except some certain unexpected situations like illness.
- We will cover the accomodations and meals setted during the official days of the project. However, if you stay longer, you will have to pay for your own expenses.
- Obeying the rules is very important in terms of your participation. In case you do not follow the rules and bring the necessary documents, your participation will be canceled and you will not be able to get your reimbursement. In this case, your hotel expenses will not be covered. It is very possible to have problems in a project with 30 different people. However, we should apply these rules in order to provide peace, so it is very important to obey them.
Our accomodations are set 3 days before the project date and no change is made. Accommodation may not have air conditioning or no personal items such as towels, toothbrushes, so bring these items with you. In our projects, accommodation is made in the style of camping. Participants should take this into account. Thus, accommodation is not open to CRITICISM. In addition, participants who do not want to stay in the accomodation arranged by the organizer can stay in other hotels, provided that they cover their own accommodation fees. The important thing is to fully participate in the events. Otherwise, their participation will be cancelled.
We give a list of items included in your suit/room and a photo of your suit/room and ask to confirm the list. If you give any damage to the room or to the items, you have to pay for the expenses. Otherwise, the accomodation owner will take the expenses from your travel money.
We’re going to inform you about the accomodation where you will stay a week before the project. For example: If the project starts on 20th April, between 12-17th April, we find the accomodation and send the info to you because we don’t live in the city where the project will take place. Therefore, it takes time to find and decide for the best solution. In some projects you may have to stay with people up to 5 in the same room. It is usually 2 or 3 participants in one room, but this may change according to accommodation place.
The estimated daily menu is based on Italian cultural dishes. However, there could be changes in the menu according to the region and the season.
You must listen and care for the organization’s warnings. Please don’t forget that each country has a different cultural background. So we have different habits and features and something can be a problem for you. It is advised to take care of the warnings.
We will carry out evaluation activities at the end of each day and on the last day of the project to see our improvement through the project. With quizzes, and questionnaires, the participants evaluate everything related to the project. Through these evaluations, we will evaluate not only the project conditions but also each other’s performances in the activities. For this reason, we would like you to write your names and signatures on the evaluation papers. Evaluation is for everything like teams, activities, cultural nights, etc.
After the culture night activities, we usually party with all the participants. However, when it is 01.00 am, everyone should go to their rooms in order not to be late for the activities on the other day. Since it is very important for us to participate in all the activities in the project. And after that time, no one should leave their rooms and make any noise in order not to disturb anyone.
During the project, using drugs such as weed, and marijuana is adamantly forbidden. The use of weed, marijuana, and any kind of drugs is strictly prohibited. During the project, when the users and suppliers are identified, their participation will be canceled. When faced with such a situation, the police forces will definitely be informed of the incident. We request you to pay attention to this issue.
The project does not have to take place near the city center. It can be held in a village or town.
Sometimes, the hosting organization can let a team leave earlier because of their urgent job. It is up to the hosting organization.
In these conditions below, a participant cannot be allowed to stay in the project and they can’t take any ticket money;
- a person comes late to activities all time without any valid reason,
- a person disturbs other neighbours or participants,
- a person who is racist, negative, bad-tempered.
- a person uses violence,
- a person doesn’t give necessary documents to us.
You will have a chance to visit and tour the city center. The free time will be given to you for this. But we do not have a city tour opportunity. But if the participants want, we can organize it altogether. If we cannot, you will have free time wherever you want to go.
Due to the governmental regulations, there are certain rules which we have to act accordingly. Violation of these rules can cause a fine and we would be risking the public health. We are asking you to act responsibly and spend a healthy and enjoyable time during our project. According to the restrictions of our Government:
- It is highly recommended to internationalize your homeland health insurance for being valid in our Country or provide a travel insurance.
- Participants must avoid the contact with people from outside of the project.
- Participants are obligated to wear mask during all the meetings and activities.
- Participants should bring their own hygiene products, such as masks and disinfectant.
- Participants are responsible for the restrictions of their own Country. – You might need a test before you enter your country, or you can enter quarantine for 14 days upon your arrival. Please check the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your Country.
- Participants are requested to leave clean common areas of the project.
- Participants must take care of their own hygiene and wash hands after each activity as least 30 seconds long with soap.
- Participants are responsible for the hygiene of their rooms.
- Cultural nights will be held if allowed by the restrictions, but there will not be any dancing activity.
- Participants must keep the rules of social distancing with each other.
- Participants should choose one or two persons for daily shopping and avoid being in groups unless necessary.
- In the event of contagion from Covid, any hospitalization and quarantine costs will be borne by the participant. The host organization is exempt from any kind of responsibility.
The countries have different regulations and requirements because of the Corona pandemic. It’s your responsibility to check the rules of the Country you are traveling to. They can require negative test result or even quarantine. The costs such as vaccination, Covid-Test or quarantine are unfortunately not included in the project’s budget and can’t be covered.