• Name of the project: “BY PLAYING YOU LEARN”

  • Date of Project: 01.03.2022 – 09.03.2022.

  • Hosting organization: “Torre dei Giovani (TdG) ”

  • Sending organizations: “BRAVO


  • Participants age: + 18

  • The number of  participants : 3

  • Working language: ENGLISH

  • Deadline for applying: 10.02.2022

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food.


“By playing, you learn!” is a Partner Countries mobility of youth workers for 30 youth workers to implement from 01/03/2022 to 09/03/ 2022 in Torre del Greco, Italy. The 10 partner organizations are: Italy, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia. Objectives of this project: – participants will connect, build trust and be motivated to work together. They will explore common challenges that young people face in different countries related to accepting and appreciating diversity and promoting inclusion and identify 4 competency areas, so that participants will pay special emphasis to D&I in their youth work. – participants will explore the power of games and playing for promoting positive social change, by sharing so far experiences and by experiencing few games for change facilitated by us. – participants will designing and testing NFL activities involving gamesfor D&I.These will be tested and implemented by involving also some local young people from Torre del Greco. After implementing these activities with the members of the group, each tool would be thoroughly analyzed (structure, methodology, reaching learning outcomens, facilitation, etc.) and documented. – participants and partners will focus on planning follow-up activities to apply the gained competences and implement the tools with local young   people “back at home”. This project is based on non-formal learning and will apply exploring and using games Experiential Learning approach to achieve its’ objectives to designing and testing   games as NFL tools that could later on be used also with young people to promote diversity and inclusion.


  • You must listen and care for the organization’s Please don’t forget that each country has a different cultural background. So we have different habits and features and something can be a problem for you. It is advised to take care of the warnings.

  • We will carry out evaluation activities at the end of each day and on the last day of the project to see our improvement through the With quizzes, and questionnaires, the participants evaluate everything related to the project. Through these evaluations, we will evaluate not only the project conditions but also each other’s performances in the activities. For this reason, we would like you to write your names and signatures on the evaluation papers. Evaluation is for everything like teams, activities, cultural nights, etc.

  • After the culture night activities, we usually party with all the However, when it is 01.00 am, everyone should go to their rooms in order not to be late for the activities on the other day. Since it is very important for us to participate in all the activities in the project. And after that time, no one should leave their rooms and make any noise in order not to disturb anyone.

  • During the project, using drugs such as weed, and marijuana is adamantly forbidden. The use of weed, marijuana, and any kind of drugs is strictly prohibited. During the project, when the users and suppliers are identified, their participation will be When faced with such a situation, the police forces will definitely be informed of the incident. We request you to pay attention to this issue.

  • The project does not have to take place near the city It can be held in a village or town.

  • Sometimes, the hosting organization can let a team leave earlier because of their urgent job. It is up to the hosting

  • In these conditions below, a participant cannot be allowed to stay in the project and they can’t take any ticket money;
    A person comes late to activities all time without any valid reason,
    B person disturbs other neighbours or participants
    B person who is racist, negative, bad-tempered.
    C person uses violence,
    D person doesn’t give necessary documents to


8.You will have a chance to visit and tour the city center. The free time will be given to you for this. But we do not have a city tour opportunity. But if the participants want, we can organize it altogether. If we cannot, you will have free time wherever you want to go


  • Our accommodations are set 3 days before the project date and no change is Accommodation may not have air conditioning or no personal items such as towels, toothbrushes, so bring these items with you. In our projects, accommodation is made in the style of camping. Participants should take this into account. Thus, accommodation is not open to CRITICISM. In addition, participants who do not want to stay in the accomodation arranged by the organizer can stay in other hotels, provided that they cover their own accommodation fees. The important thing is to fully participate in the events. Otherwise, their participation will be cancelled.
  • We give a list of items included in your suit/room and a photo of your suit/room and ask to confirm the If you give any damage to the room or to the items, you have to pay for the expenses. Otherwise, the accomodation owner will take the expenses from your travel money.
  • We’re going to inform you about the accomodation where you will stay a week before the project. For example: If the project starts on 20th April, between 12-17th April, we find the accomodation and send the info to you because we don’t live in the city where the project will take Therefore, it takes time to find and decide for the best solution. In some projects you may have to stay with people up to 5 in the same room. It is usually 2 or 3 participants in one room, but this may change according to accommodation place.
  • The estimated daily menu is based on Italian cultural dishes. However, there could be changes in the menu according to the region and the


Travel cost for participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina – 180 EUR


1. Read carefully the project call

2. Read carefully the project tasks and requests

3. Check „participants profile“, maybe you are fitting perfectly

4. Fill out the BRAVO Application Form by 10.02.2022.

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