Open Call for 3 Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina for EQ+: Emotional intelligence in international volunteering projects in Samobor, Croatia

  • Name of the project: “EQ+: Emotional intelligence in international volunteering projects”

  • Date of Project: 19.09.2021 – 28.09.2021.

  • Hosting organization: “Udruga za promicanje pozitivne afirmacije mladih u društvu “Impress””

  • Sending organizations: “BRAVO

  • Place: Samobor, Croatia

  • Participants age: + 18

  • The number of  participants : 3

  • Working language: English

  • Deadline for applying: 30.08.2021

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food.


“EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE is the capacity of a person to recognize, manage and control his/her own emotions and the ability to recognize and manage the emotions of others, judiciously and empathetically.”

AIM – of this project is to support professional development of youth workers, coordinators, leaders and mentors in the field of emotional intelligence, in the context of international volunteering projects.


We looking for: 

  • Participants are actively involved in the work of partner organization as employed or volunteers, preferably working as volunteers’ coordinators

  • Participants have a good command of English language

  • Participants are familiar with basic principles of youth work and non-formal education

  • Group consists of different genders



Training course will take place in Samobor, a lovely, small city near Zagreb. Our venue will be Hostel Samobor which is located in the city center and has all needed facilities. Participants will be accommodated in shared rooms with other people from the group. Seminar room is within the hostel. Meals and coffee breaks will be provided at the hostel, in line with specific requirements
provided through participant’s form. Bathrooms are shared on the floor. Please, take your towel and
personal hygienic things you might need.


Arrival date: 19 September 2021

Departure date: 28 September 2021

It is recommended to obtain travel health insurance which will cover period of your stay in Croatia. For the participants coming from the EU member states it is recommended to obtain European Health Insurance Card. Insurance costs are not eligible for reimbursement

At the moment, people from EU member states, same as from the countries outside the EU can enter Croatia by enclosing one of the following proves:

negative PCR or RAT test (not older than 72/48hr from the moment of taking the swab)

proof of vaccination (only one or two doses!!)

proof of recovery from COVID19 in last 180 days

For entering Croatia, please, read carefully all the details and updates here:

Do not forget to fill in enter Croatia form ( before arrival.

Keep your covid test and invoice (we need both) since we might reimburse these costs as well. Percentage of reimbursement depends on how many people will
need tests and on final total amount.


Nearest airport is Franjo Tuđman Airport Zagreb ( Bus that will take you from the airport to main bus terminal in Zagreb (last stop in the city centre) is in front of the exit.

There is written CROATIA AIRLINES-ZRAČNA LUKA ZAGREB on the bus so you can hardly miss it. Busses go every 30min during the whole day. The ticket can be bought online or inside the bus from the driver.
Price is 30 HRK/5 EUR.

Busses to Samobor go from the main bus terminal. Time table can be found on following link:

Ticket price is 28 HRK and it can be bought at the ticket office or in the buss directly from the driver.

Travel cost for participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina – 180 EUR

The Hostel is located in the city centre. Once you reach Samobor main bus terminal, follow Ulica ljudevita Gaja or follow the path next to the river – they both will lead you directly to the hostel.

The address of the Hostel is Obrtnička 34, Samobor.

Link on google maps –

While booking flights and/or other means of transportation, keep in mind that only public transportation and economy class are eligible. The participants are expected to purchase their travel tickets and the actual costs (on the condition that total travel cost does not exceed the specified maximum amounts) will be reimbursed after the training course on the bank accounts of the partner organizations, upon the presentation of relevant justifying documents and after completing postproject activities. Following documents are obligatory for the reimbursement of travel costs:

1. A fiscal invoice showing the amount paid and name of the participant

2. Tickets, boarding passes etc.



As an integral part of the international projects, we will also have intercultural evening. In order to present your culture and country to the others, we kindly ask you to bring with you some food, sweets, drinks etc. Also, feel free to bring or create anything else that will present it in a funny and creative way (PPTs are out of the fashion) 🙂


We will work a lot but we will also have some free time. There are several options to spend it efficiently:

We have some but we also encourage you to take some with you while comming.

During the free afternoon, you can chose among several possibilities:
– Visiting Zagreb
– Going for hiking Samobor castle or vineyards
Renting a bike and go for a ride
Visiting Grgosova cave etc.

  • Currency used in Croatia is Croatian kuna (HRK) – 1EUR=7,5 HRK – You can exchange your money in exchange offices at the airport or bus station, banks and some tobacco shops. Keep in mind that paying in Euro is not possible.
  • Weather forecast: September is still summer time so temperatures at that time of the year can be high, especially during the day. However, evenings and nights can be fresh so make sure you bring some thick and warm clothes. Rain is very likely too so it is not bad to have umbrella:) Pack smart!
  • COVID19 situation: situation in Croatia is under the control with low number of isolated cases. Distancing measures are being enforced and wearing face mask is obligatory in public transportation, shops and closed spaces. All the updates are regulary published on link provided earlier in this infpack.


If you have any questions feel free to contact BRAVO TEAM

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