Open call for Youth Exchange "DIGITAL IDENTITIES"

  • Name of the project: ”DIGITAL IDENTITIES”

  • Date of Project: 18.07.2022. – 24.07.2022.

  • Sending Organization: ”BRAVO”

  • Place: Leipzig, Germany

  • Participants age: 18+

  • The number of participants: 3

  • Working language: English

  • Deadline for applying: 06.06.2022.

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food.


Inequalities in education and the structural discrimination of many, already marginalized youths have been further intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic: Missing technical devices and software, the multiple burdens and stress factors on families and the lacking information on digital educational assistance and general support services has further impeded many children and youth to pursue their school, professional and personal education and development. This is despite the fact, that digitalization offers a great potential, especially for this target group, to educate oneself further and to politically and socially engage – As for example with free learning resources, emancipatory online media or digital campaigning.


This issue, catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic, will have grave long-term effects for affected children and youth from disadvantaged families, and thereby also for relevant societal processes such as integration, social cohesion and sustainable development, when some youths are structurally disadvantaged in their school and extracurricular education.


This is not only evident in the German context, but on an EU level, and has been by us and our partner organizations identified as one of the most urgent issues in European youth work – To maintain the current status of educational justice and inclusion in the EU, and to contribute to their realization long-term.


Therefore, the project ‘Digitalized Identities‘ aims to provide digital skills and media literacy by creative methods and tools, and furthermore strengthen digital Empowerment. Hence, the key objectives of the project are:


  1. To impart knowledge and competencies on using (national and international) digital educational and participation opportunities and resources to youths with fewer opportunities
  2. To give crucial media literacy skills, to identify and deconstruct media-reproduces stereotypes and racism, and thereby to contribute to the prevention of polarization and radicalization (as for example with fake news or the strategic digital mobilization of extremist groups)
  3. To enable disadvantaged youths gaining intercultural competences and the practice of foreign languages by facilitating an international youth exchange with seven participating organizations from both Programm and Eastern Partnership countries
  4. To empower the participating youths with an intensive, critical engagement with media reproduced stereotypes, own identities and culture, and furthermore provide them with possibilities of expression and political engagement through media
  5. To develop own innovative media formate and medial project, which can be locally and regionally implemented as well as digitally on an EU level and internationally
  6. To gain creative, digital skills such as photo- and videography, podcasting, blogging and an introduction into gaming and coding, useful in personal as well as professional development.


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