• Name of the project: Training Course “Sustainable ImPACT 2”

  • Date of Project:  24.08. – 03.09.2024.


  • Sending Organization:BRAVO”


  • Hosting Organization: “Youth Progress”


  • Place: Jizbice pod Blaníkem (Čechtice)


  • Participants age: 18+


  • The number of participants: 3


  • Working language: English


  • Deadline for applying: 06.04.2024.

This project is supported and co-funded by the Erasmus+ program. It means that your travel costs, accommodation, and food will be fully covered if you get selected for the project. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission nor EACEA can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


The project stems from a crucial need to combat overproduction among young Europeans. Our mission is to empower the new generation with knowledge about sustainability and green practices that can be seamlessly integrated into their daily lives. We aspire to cultivate a society that values sustainability and resource efficiency.


Our goal is to equip youth workers with the knowledge and skills to promote sustainability within their communities. Through knowledge exchange and practical training, participants will become champions of change, inspiring others to embrace sustainable practices. Together, we strive to create a greener, more sustainable future.


The project focuses on enhancing the knowledge base of youth regarding European environmental policies and fostering a deep understanding of the repercussions of daily human actions on the environment. Through the exchange of ideas for sustainability-related activities at the local level, the project empowers youth workers to implement impactful initiatives in their communities.


  1. Improving knowledge of the youth workers about European environmental policies and understanding the impact of human daily action on the environment

  2. Developing sustainable practices and exchanging their best practices with their international colleagues

  3. Exchanging ideas for developing sustainability-related activities within their local youth work

  4. Equipping the youth workers with efficient methods and tools for the promotion of the project’s main mission

  5. Strengthening cooperation among the European youth workers and their connections for future international projects


The project will consist of three main parts:

  1. Theory Sessions: Understanding Environmental Challenges
    In our theory sessions, we’ll explore important environmental issues and sustainability topics through presentations and research. Participants will discuss these topics, backed by statistics and facts, to grasp their significance. We’ll delve into current issues like overproduction and lack of environmental awareness, examining their effects on society. Additionally, we’ll highlight how sustainable practices can improve these situations.

  2. Practical Workshops: Hands-On Learning
    Our workshops will offer practical and creative activities focusing on sustainability and green skills. From zero waste initiatives to DIY projects, participants will explore innovative ideas that can be applied in youth work activities. They’ll learn to repurpose old materials into useful objects and create everyday products at home using simple supplies. Through brainstorming and interactive sessions, they’ll discover sustainable approaches to daily life.

  3. Promotion Tools: Spreading the Message
    Youth workers will have the opportunity to create online content to promote their activities and project mission. Sessions will cover movie-making, editing, and creating engaging content like reels and interactive posts. The outcomes of these sessions will be used to disseminate the project’s message effectively.


  • Aged 18+

  • Interested in sustainability and environmental issues

  • Motivated to apply the learned skills in daily practice

  • Open to networking with like-minded individuals

  • Ready to fully participate in the project activities and dissemination

  • Good knowledge of the English language


The participants are going to stay in a nature area of the Czech Republic near a village called Čechtice (a bit over 1 hour from Prague) in a facility called Rekreační středisko Jizbice. The address of the venue is: Zhoř 23, 257 65 Čechtice.


The hotel complex offers one natural swimming pool, and football, handball, basketball and volleyball courts. There are many cultural monuments and points of interest in the surroundings, which can become the goal of a walking trip. The participants will be staying at the hotel in 4-bed and 3-bed rooms, where 2 rooms always share one bathroom.

The meals will be served in the same building and the program will take place in the same room. Three meals will be provided.


Bosnia and Herzegovina – Fully Covered

How to apply?

  1. Complete the BRAVO- APPLICATION FORM in English title as following ”name of the project you are applying for” until 23:59 on deadline day.
  2. Deadline for applying: 06.04.2024.
  3. Selection results: 09.04.2024.
  5. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at:
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