Open Call for 2 Participants for Training course in Slanic Moldova, Romania - BRIDGES

- Name of the project: “BRIDGES”
- Date of Project: 06.12.2021 – 16.12.2021.
- Sending organizations: “BRAVO“
- Place: Slanic Moldova, Romania
- Participants age: + 18
- The number of participants : 2
- Working language: English
- Deadline for applying: 25.11.2021
- Note: Preference is given to all persons who have been fully vaccinated.
This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food.
Through this project we want to increase the visibility level of the challenges, issues, needs and development opportunities of young people with fewer opportunities from the partners’ local communities, which would be approached strategically in future youth policies.
The project was designed for those youth workers who want to equip themselves with the skills they need to strategically address the young people with fewer opportunities needs and challenges through future structured dialogue projects (or participation projects within the Erasmus+ Programme), in which they can develop inclusive youth policies and strategies, together with the decision makers. At the same time, the project is relevant for those organizations who wants to learn how to get funding for their projects, through both, grants, and fundraising.
To develop among youth workers the skills they need to strategically address the young people with fewer opportunities’ challenges through youth policies developed #TOGETHER with the decision makers.
To develop among youth workers the capacity to #BUILD, #SUPPORT and #STRENGTHEN a sustainable partnership with the decision makers from the youth field, through advocacy and lobby campaigns planned to convince the authorities about the young people with fewer opportunities’ role in the decision-making process.
To develop among youth workers the fundraising and grants writing skills they need in order to develop future structured dialogue projects in which to #CONSULT the young people with fewer opportunities and different stakeholders and build relevant #YOUTHPOLICIES
During the mobility, the youth workers will learn about the youth policies, how to change and update the existing policies, how to develop step by step a new youth policy, they will get lobby and advocacy skills, but also they will learn how to identify and connect with different stakeholders.
Youth workers work with young people aged 13-25, encouraging them, providing them with support and helping them to achieve their potential. The primary focus of youth work is on the personal, social, cultural and educational development of young people. The majority of youth work projects are designed to help disaffected youths with social problems, who live in communities that are affected by crime, unemployment and antisocial behaviour. Youth workers may also, on occasion, provide help, support and guidance to people as young as 13, and as old as 25. These guys are mainly employed in places such as council-run community centres, youth centres, religious youth groups, schools, colleges and other educational institutions.
Youth workers may work directly with individuals on their personal issues, assessing their needs, listening to their problems, establishing goals, counselling them and supporting them through tough times. They may also get involved with organising community-based projects, which provide young people with avenues to express themselves, raise concerns and discuss their aspirations.
It’s all about empowering youths and giving them opportunities that they would otherwise miss out on. These programmes of support enable participants to make choices about their present and future options, regarding education, health, careers, drugs, sex and social situations.
Youth work also has a more administrative side to it, and youth workers are regularly required to draft reports and maintain administrative records, which detail the progress of the young people in their caseload.
– Toolkit (1) in English with relevant information on elaborating youth policies (steps, methods, instruments, pieces of advice, etc.)
– Toolkit (1) in English with relevant information on developing a project (steps, methods, instruments, pieces of advice etc.) and on how to obtain financial support for it (how to write a financing proposal and how to develop a fundraising campaign)
– Advocacy (1) campaign and a series of visual instrument (videos, posters, articles etc.) to promote the importance of the collaboration between young people and decision makers.
– National (1) and international policies analysis on young people with fewer opportunities
The project equips youth workers with the necessary specific competences to strategically approach the challenges and needs of young people with fewer opportunities in future structured dialogue projects, through which young people with fewer opportunities and decision makers can collaborate to elaborate and/or complete local, regional or
international youth strategies and policies.
Therefore, youth workers will be ready and capable to contribute to solving young people with fewer opportunities’ problems, including at decisional level, through strategic measurements relevant to the special needs of their beneficiaries.
The project offers the participants a better understanding of the international education, formation and youth practices, policies and systems and contributes to the personal, professional, and social development of the youth workers, through developing the key and transversal competences. Furthermore, the project contributes to improving the quality of life of the youth workers through engaging them on new methods, increase the motivation level, share good practices, etc.
The project comes in support of the partner organization by developing human resources in the project writing and fundraising sectors, which, on the long term, will contribute to the organizational development of the partners.
By participating in these 2 mobilities, the youth workers will acquire the competences and instruments which will help them increase the quality of their projects and working directly with young people. Thus, the youth workers will experiment throughout the entire project (but especially during the 2 mobilities) a diverse range of methods (especially non-formal education and participatory methods, energizers, different exercises, and tools) which will be replicated with the young people from their local community.
The project develops specialists who can contribute to the social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities by developing inclusive young policies and strategies. These policies and strategies will stimulate the active participation of young people with fewer opportunities in structured dialogue with decision makers, contributing on the long term to the strategic development of the youth sector.

If you choose to travel by plane, you can search for flights to Otopeni Airport (Bucharest) or to Bacau Airport, which is the closest city to Slanic Moldova, the place where the youth
exchange will be held. It is better to land in Bucharest, Romania in the morning on the arrival day (6th of December 2021 or 1st of April 2022) and to depart from Romania in the evening on the departure day (16th of December 2021 or 11th of April 2022), as the youth exchange will be held in Slanic Moldova, Bacau county, and you need to take into consideration the internal travel, from the airport to the place where the project will be held.
For your trip from Bucharest to Slanic Moldova, we will rend a bus to bring all participants from Bucharest/Otopeni Airport straight to the hotel in Slanic Moldova on the arrival they (6th of December 2021 and 1st of April 2022) and then, from Slanic Moldova to Bucharest/Otopeni Airport on the departure day (16th of December 2021 and 11th of April 2022).
Travel cost for participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina – 275 EUR
The rented bus will leave first from Bucharest Gara de Nord (the main train station) and then from Otopeni Airport. We will have volunteers waiting for you in 2 different meeting points, at both, Gara de Nord and Otopeni Airport. Most probably the rented bus will leave from Gara de Nord around 5 pm and then from Otopeni Airport around 5:30 pm, but we will decide together the departure hours taking into consideration the participants’ travel plan and when they will land in Bucharest.
If people are landing earlier (in the morning or about lunch time) they can visit Bucharest city. To arrive from Otopeni Airport to Gara de Nord (the main train station) people should take the bus no. 780 or a direct train. More details about the trip from the airport to the city you can ask at the airport information point. Also, at Gara de Nord (the main train
station) there is a place where people can leave their luggage.
The accommodation is 100% covered by Erasmus+ Programme, between 6th of December 2021 (Check in after 14:00) and 16th of December 2021 (Check out before 12:00).
During the Youth exchange participants will be hosted at Pensiunea Poiana Verde from Slanic Moldova. The rooms will be shared between 2 or 3 people. Some of the rooms have 3 beds, others TWIN beds and a couch, others have a matrimonial/shared bed and a third bed, a matrimonial/shared bed and a couch or just a matrimonial/shared bed. If you want to share the room with someone in particular, please let us know in time.
The food and coffee breaks are 100% covered by Erasmus+ Programme.
There will be three meals per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 2 coffee breaks per day. On the arrival day it is included just the dinner and on the departure day it is included both, breakfast, and lunch. It is very important to tell us if you have any allergies or if is there something that you do not eat, if you are vegetarian or vegan, have a diet, etc.
Therefore, it is important all participants to fill out carefully the application form and to not forget to send it to us before 6
th of November 2021. Please bring confortable warm clothes.
Also, please bring your favourite music and anything else you consider necesary, including slippers, hairdryer (not all the rooms have an hairdryer) etc. At the hotel, there is internet access and towels. We also recommend some of the participants to bring a laptop.
If any participant wants to stay longer in Romania, this is possible up to 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after the mobility. Still, all costs related to the extra days (for food, accommodation, trips, local transportation or other type of costs who were not made for the project) must be covered by the participant himself/herself.

We higly recommend you to have a medical travel insurance before comming for your staying in Romania. The medical help might be expensive here if you do not have a travel insurence.
Please bring confortable warm clothes. The average temperatures are usually oscilating between 0 and 10 ºC during the day and between -10 and 5 ºC during the night for the period when the first training course will be held; and between 10 and 15 ºC during the day and between 0 and 10 ºC during the night for the period when the second training
course will be held.
Also, please bring your favourite music and anything else you consider necesary, including slippers, hairdryer (not all the rooms have an hairdryer) etc.
At the hotel, there is internet access and towels.
We also recommend some of the participants to bring a laptop.
Anyone considering travel to Romania should check the latest information from the local authorities regarding requirements for international passengers arriving in the country. Romania is currently applying a classification of risk based on country of origin. These can be either GREEN, YELLOW or RED.
Here you may find what are the countries on the RED, YELLOW and GREEN list: (the list is updated
regularly – each week).
• Anyone arriving to Romania from GREEN COUNTRIES can enter Romania without any restrictions.
• Participants arriving from YELLOW COUNTRIES must be vaccinated or show a PCR negative result taking within maximum 72 hours prior their arrival in Romania.
• Anyone arriving to Romania from RED COUNTRIES, will be required to selfquarantine for 14 days, except if they are fully vaccinated (10 days and more after the second dose of the vaccine – if a second dose was required) or they have been infected with SARS-COV-2 in the last 90 days – with medical evidences: a positive RT-PCR test at the date they received the diagnosis & the hospital discharge ticket or a test proving the presence of IgG antibodies performed with a maximum of 14 days before coming the Romania. For RED COUNTRIES, PCR is not enough to avoid quarantine, vaccination proof is required.