• Name of the project: “Academy of Digital Leaders”


  • Date of Project: 23.03.2022 – 30.03.2022.




  • Sending organizations: “BRAVO
  • Place: Zboiska, Poland


  • Participants age: + 18


  • The number of  participants : 10


  • Working language: English


  • Deadline for applying: 15.02.2022

This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Program. This publication reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. By Erasmus+ rules organizers will cover travel costs, accommodation and food.


It has been noticed that the number of young people struggling with Digital Dementia is increasing. A large proportion of young people are unable to use new technologies for a useful purpose. Many of them are not able to use the smartphone for purposes other than social networking sites such as Facebook or Instagram.

Apart from the basic functions, they cannot use it for any other purpose, e.g. use the phone to time management, increase their concentration and productivity. Through an individual and group approach to young people and the results of research, it can be concluded that young people are increasingly turning to the phone “turning off thinking” exposing themselves to the risk of external factors, and this creates memory problems for young people.

Korean scientists indicate that this problem is largely related to technological progress ( In the era of rapidly developing technology, children spend more and more time communicating through digital devices, thanks to which their right hemisphere develops slowly. Prof. Manfred Spitzer in his research states that young people’s digital dementia is becoming more common. According to the report, the number of children aged 10-19 using a smartphone a minimum of 7
hours a day increased by 18%. Without intervention and raising awareness of young society, a young person may fail in the future. With age, their problems will increase, the lack of knowledge about the dangers of new technologies and at the same time the lack of knowledge about the development opportunities that a properly used smartphone can give will hinder their development and self-esteem. Realizing how extensive the problem is, analyzing its causes and effects, we decided to organize an exchange of young people who want to expand their knowledge about the healthy use of digital devices – in a way that will not harm, but improve their productivity, increase creativity and efficiency.

By participating, we want to help young people find their way into adult life, which they enter, and make them aware of the dangers of digital dementia. Participants will develop knowledge about new technologies, their possibilities and learn to use them to increase the effects of their daily work. Everyone will also develop self-confidence, motivation and leadership skills to share knowledge with others. They will talk about the root causes of digital dementia problems in their countries – about commonalities and differences. Young people are often unable to achieve their goals, lack confidence and believe in their skills. We will work on their self-presentation, attitude and ability to share knowledge. Living in a world of digitization, we need leaders who will show us how to properly navigate this world.
The youth exchange program will be based on non-formal and innovative education methods, its goals and assumptions will be based on the latest scientific research in the field of psychology.


The aim is supported by the following objectives:
– Training participants to use their smartphone effectively;
– Training participants in basic interpersonal skills;
– Training participants to increase their concentration in the age of digital noise;
– Training participants in the field of minimalism in the digital world;
– Training participants in increasing their productivity through the use of new technologies;
– Increasing the creativity, self-confidence and motivation of participants;
– Educating participants about digital dementia.


Reimbursement is calculated based on the distance calculator of the European Commission. At the arrival, all participants must provide flight reservation, all original tickets and boarding passes. They must send by post the return tickets and boarding passes to an email address which will be provided. Travel costs will be reimbursed only for the cheapest means of transportation. Acceptable means of transportation for the project are: plane, bus, train, metro or ferry, NOT taxi and NOT car. We don`t refund the costs for extra luggage (only checked baggage) and taxi journey!!!
The costs of any tests for Covid-19 are included in the travel lump sum.

Travel cost for participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina – 275 EUR


Currency exchange – For those who wish to change their currency into POLISH ZLOTY, we suggest to do it at the airport
as in this are you will have no possibility to do it. 

The accommodation is 100% covered by Erasmus+ Programme. The food and coffee breaks are 100% covered by Erasmus+ Programme.

Weather – It’s sunny, sometimes it’s rainy, but it’s not warm yet.
Temperature: at night -1/-3-C°, day 6-10 C°.
What to bring with you?
1) Information about topic from your country
2) Materials of your organization
3) Good mood
4) Medicines and insurance;
5) Original travel e-tickets and invoices like train tickets, bus tickets etc.
6) Laptop, (or/and) camera


Recreation and Training center in Zboiska

Zboiska 33
38-505 Zboiska

How to reach Venue?
The nearest airports on the Polish side are in Kraków and Rzeszów-Jasionka. If the participants arrive to Rzeszów more or less on the same time, we will organize transport for them to their destination (Zboiska).


  1. Read carefully the project call
  2. Read carefully the project tasks and requests
  3. Check „participants profile“, maybe you are fitting perfectly
  4. Fill out the BRAVO Application Form by 15.02.2022.
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