ONLINE SURVEY "Becoming Digitally Conscious"






“Becoming Digitally Conscious” is a capacity-building project targeted at the promotion of healthy digital habits among young people (between 18 and 25 years old) living in the European and Western Balkans area.

Want to get out of bed and become motivated? Want to spend quality time with your friends and family? Want to find a solution for your insomnia and bad relationships? Then keep on reading! We have a project just for you!


“Becoming Digitally Conscious” is a capacity-building project targeted at the promotion of healthy digital habits among young people (between 18 and 25 years old) living in the European and Western Balkans area. European society is progressively incorporating digital devices in all areas of life, which is leading to the spread of pathological internet use.


This project gathers NGOs from 6 different countries including Italy, Albania, Montenegro, Germany, Cyprus, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through the education of  youth  workers,  the project will contribute to increasing quality,  innovation, and recognition of youth  work,  supporting the  sharing  of methods to  address  the  opportunities  and implications of digitalization. The problem analyzed in this project needs to be looked with urgency, as it seems to be getting worse.


With the development of non-formal tools that support youth workers in the promotion of digital competences, we hope to make young people aware of the potential dangers of making an excessive use of digital devices, and how incorporating physically active and expressive activities in their routines can reduce their screen time and benefit their mental health and overall wellbeing.


While you’re still here, we would like to know how this issue affected you and hear your ideas on how to fix it together by filling this survey out! We encourage you to take 5 minutes to complete the form and progressively help to the implementation of future project activities and the establishment of a more inclusive society.

 Želite da ustanete iz kreveta i postanete motivisani? Želite kvalitetno provesti vrijeme sa prijateljima i porodicom? Želite pronaći rješenje za svoju nesanicu i loše odnose? Onda nastavite sa čitanjem! Imamo projekat samo za vas!


“Becoming Digitally Conscious” projekt je financiran od strane Europske Komisije u sklopu Capacity Building Youth, koji za glavni cilj ima promociju zdravih  digitalnim navika u novom dobu među mladima u dobi od 18 do 25 godina koji žive u Evropi i na Zapadnom Balkanu.


Evropsko društvo progresivno ugrađuje digitalne uređaje u sva područja života, što dovodi do širenja patološke upotrebe interneta. Ovaj projekat okuplja nevladine organizacije iz 6 različitih zemalja uključujući Italiju, Albaniju, Crnu Goru, Njemačku, Kipar, Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Kroz edukaciju omladinskih radnika, projekat će doprinijeti povećanju kvaliteta i promovisanja omladinskog rada, propagirajući metode kojima bi se problem digitalizacije riješio. Naša je dužnost da dignemo svijest o problemu koji ovaj projekat nastoji riješiti.



 Uz razvoj neformalnih alata koji podržavaju omladinske radnike u promociji digitalnih kompetencija, nadamo se da ćemo mlade ljude osvijestiti o potencijalnim opasnostima prekomjerne upotrebe digitalnih uređaja i o tome kako uključivanje fizičkih aktivnih i izražajnih aktivnosti u njihove rutine može smanjiti njihovo vrijeme pred ekranom i imati koristi za mentalno zdravlje i opu dobrobit.

Sada kada smo privukli vašu pažnju, želimo čuti vaše mišljenje o problemu i utjecaju koji je ostavio na vas. Doprinesite promjenama u društvu tako što ćete ispuniti sljedeću anketu

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